BIK: Full Body IK Solver

is that similar to IKinema? I found this, has anyone used it?

Along with the current full body IK system which might be similar to other offerings, there’s also a plan to release a smart procedural task-aware locomotion system as a part of this plugin which is a product of ongoing research.

As a user, you would just specify a sequence of task for your character to perform by specifying their locations and categories. The system would then generate a plan of footstep patterns to execute the required set of tasks. The system is aware of the differences observed in footstep strategies while switching between closely lying tasks as opposed to tasks which are situated far away.

Also, there is an inherent notion of substepping i.e. heel pivots, toe pivots, foot slides, foot shuffles etc. These substeps are all recreated while generating the desired foot step plan. This results in exceptional realism as opposed to the unrealistic animation behaviors that are often seen in NPCs especially.

You can also specify a notion of how “hard” a task is, and then you can start seeing some co-articulation behavior for easy tasks where the character just “leans in” to do easier tasks if it is required to perform a next task which is in the opposite direction and so on.

This is where this plugin will shine as the ease of creation of locomotion behaviors will be unparalleled for a lot of scenarios. This can be applied to a variety of scenarios in various game types including NPC behaviors for a variety of game types, main player behavior in sims etc.

Here’s a prototype running in Unreal Engine :


@ - that’s amazing man, awesome!

BTW I sent you an email about purchasing the plugin :slight_smile:

Thanks for your kind words !

I am sorry to have missed your email. It somehow went to my spam folder. I have replied now.

@ - Got the plugin installed and set up (the new 0.32 version). Thank you for the fast turnaround :slight_smile:

One problem I’m having is that the effector seems to be getting a weird location to the plugin internally such that it’s offset about 200CM +Z and the effector’s X/Y axes are swapped and inverted, so you have to move it in X to make the character’s limbs IK in the Y direction and vice versa.

This looks amazing again +1 for AimIK.

Thank you.

Also, this is interesting and shouldn’t be happening. Would it possible to share your setup by email so that I can investigate ?

Thank you ! AimIK is next on the list as soon as I finish working on collisions for VR controlled end effectors and a new trignometric solver.

Sure thing, I’ll get something set up to send you here soon.

I think it might be because the BIK component in my Blueprint class has a transform - rotation and location, and is not the root component (can’t really set it up that way without refactoring lots of stuff).

Ah I see. That might be the reason then. Once I take a look at your setup I will add functionality to handle such a setup in the next minor release. I can send an early build to you first if that helps.

Sweet, I sent an email with a link to a test project with my setup in it.

As a request, I’d also love to see a component version of the Effector class so I can more easily attach one to the Motion Controller component directly in my player and have it follow that way rather than have to set the position to the motion controller component’s position manually.

How much does this system cost during the early access phase?

Is there a roadmap where I can see what is next and what is coming?

Lastly - Would it be possible to put this up on Gumroad or Sellify?

@ - From my testing I think you’d run into the problem I found any time using the BIK component with a Character blueprint. If I zero out the transform on the component, IK works normally but the character unfortunately is then floating in the air. Seems like you might be able to just inverse the BIK component transform somewhere in there to counteract that.

Hi n00854180t,

I will work on this right after Christmas break, I think this sounds like an easy fix to me. Thanks for sending the scene, I have downloaded it. I will hopefully get some time during the break, but if not you should see a fix right after it. Sorry about the bad timing !


Hi HeadClot,

The discounted early access licenses are unfortunately all sold out. If you are a small team with revenue less than 80,000 USD then you can buy the plugin for USD 99.99. You can email [EMAIL=“”] for more details.

I am very close to having the studio website up. The roadmap and the plugin store will be set up there for your convenience. Sorry about the emailing procedure for now, but we are trying to make our processes smoother.


Sounds good, thanks! :smiley:

Is there somewhere I can modify the Effector’s transform before it gets picked up by the BIK node? I suspect just multiplying its transform by the inverse transform on the component will do the trick. If not I’ll just wait, but I figured I’d ask in case I can just work around it that way. Thanks!

This simply existing is a dream come true, I saw a presentation on such a system from siggraph, I never imagined that it would be potentially available at some point in the future. :smiley:

Onto the current base IK system, I have many questions on how this can/should be used (as in use-case workflows, like setting up a player character to react to uneven ground, or how to direct a characters aiming using effectors, and object interactions such as handles or ledges, what would the user have to do to build these kinds of set-ups? etc).

I hope such questions are not beyond the scope of this thread.

The plugin looks great!
I have several questions if you don’t mind:

  1. Can it be used 100% realtime for npc/player movement.
  2. If it supports realtime calculation, how many actors are able to use that system (1-200)?
  3. What about pricing?
  4. Any plans for C++ only version?

Just as a note, this has been fixed a few days ago as of now. The link to the fixed version has been emailed.

This is actually from very current research which is yet to be published. So watch out for more news on this.

As for your questions, all of these are very much within the scope of this plugin and the thread. I am currently working on a system which uses the BIK solver for walking on uneven ground and for handling collision of hands with walls etc when controlled by VR controllers.