BIK: Full Body IK Solver

Love that twist control, great work :smiley:

Doing The Stanky Leg. LOL!!

Could visualize this being used for a Real-time Marionette](Marionette - Wikipedia) Controller.

Keep up the awesome work!

Haha yes perhaps that can be a game !

I have worked on a quick start tutorial to show how to use it with your projects and also to highlight the results that can be achieved.


I wanted to answer a question I received regarding setting up locators in the animation blueprint. Let me post the answer here if others have the same query.

You would need to setup a blueprint such as the one shown below :

And then you can then set the location and rotation in the make transform node to your desired variables every tick.

A new build is now available. Current customers can email [EMAIL=“”] to receive a download link. A store page is in the works !

Thank you for your feedback from the previous build. A lot of the feedback received has been incorporated into this build. Please let me know of your experience once you get to test the current build.

Changelog v0.2 Alpha

  • Constraints are now data assets which can be shared across different rigs. This allows sharing same constraints across Animation Blueprints which share the same skeleton.
  • Constraint joints are now defined via the constraints themselves and not through a separate list in the Full Body IK node. This prevents confusion in associations while editing the constraints array.
  • Similarly effector joints are also now defined via effector arrays and not through the Full Body IK node itself
  • Bug fix : Crash when root joint not defined in the FullBody IK node.

Also, here’s a video showcasing the new improvements and also a special case setup as requested by pwsnow.

Keep the feedback coming !

Also, let me know if you are interested in purchasing via early access at this moment.


Finally there is a solution to handle all kind of ik stuff for a skeletal mesh with a single node in animation blueprint! Great job !

Thank you BurakShamansoft !

Also, the plugin is now updated to work with both Blueprint and C++ based projects.

Looking forward to this (when I have time) for sure. Keep up the good work. Let us know if you’re taking feature requests in the future.

Thank you. Glad to hear that.

Just curious, what kind of feature have you been wanting ?

The plugin has now been updated to support version 4.10.0. All the registered customers who might need the updated version have been emailed the link to download the new version.


I am making good progress on a new Biped IK algorithm implementation which should give better results i.e. less jittering and snapping. Also, due to the way constraints are handled in this algorithm, this is much faster than the previous implementation which although is more general, but a bit slower. The previous implementation can be used for non-bipedal characters, but this new one should produce desirable results for bipedal characters.

Also, there are controls now as to how much should the body be effected by the movement of the end effectors.

Once, all of this is resolved, the next update would focus on easy parenting of end effectors to other actors in the scene.


Hi all,

Based on your feedback I am currently implementing a system where world actors can be easily parented to end effectors of the IK system. This can be useful let’s say you want to open a door and want the right/left hand to retarget to the location of the door knob, or in the case of VR, the end effectors can be parented to the actors driven via motion controllers.


Working on performance improvements and multiple character support ! This is all running on my laptop.

Hi dark, i thought for performance it might be worth to just enable certain body parts on average, such as the feets for the average mob which moves around and then the body only after collisions take place.

Hey, awesome stuff you got there.

Though one question. Does it come with sources ? I’m using promoted builds from github, and need at least glue sources for any plugins, to be for any use for me. Otherwise they are simply incompatible on binary level.

Pretty cool progress. Suddenly thinking of Agent Smith. As far as feature requests go, what I had in mind was beyond the scope of an IK system, but certainly dependent on it. Things like blending with physics and special behavior while falling down, etc. Think Force Unleashed or Overgrowth. Active ragdolls with procedural motion, physics collisions instead of baked hit reaction animations(or at least the ability to modify baked animation). Don’t know if you had multiplayer support in mind, but I was thinking of a system that transmits look at/reach targets to clients instead of complete ragdolls which I suspect would be too costly.

That is an interesting idea. There might be ways of doing this within the algorithm, but currently I don’t do it yet. I will look into it after I release 0.3.

Thanks !

Thanks iniside !

It comes with the glue sources. I know at least some people with source builds have been using it and haven’t complained.

I definitely have plans for active ragdolls and such, however those are out of scope for this plugin in particular. These might be released as seperate plugin at first. However, much later I would like to integrate into one complete motion suite.

Will it somehow possible to use this plugin in open source project? (so, I will pay for this, but I don’t want modder to pay again)