Hey guys, I’m working on an top-down “isometric” game with a full 3D environment (sci-fi, in space) - gameplay clip here. I’m not a tech artist or engineer, so I have a couple of things that I need some help with. The levels will be both inside (long corridors lighted by small lights) and outside (one directional light - Sun) - Example.
There are no LODS, triangle count and texture resolutions are pretty low and the camera distance means I can get away with a lot of fakes and less details.
Questions are:
Should I use dynamic lighting mostly, or a mix of static and dynamic? What works best considering the camera distance and details? So far I’ve used baked lighting. But now I’m expanding the current level to feature a long indoor area. Players will navigate it, then exit outside in open space. I’ll have a ton of utility lights on the indoor parts.
I’ve been using blocker boxes set as invisible with" cast hidden shadow" on to remove lighting from the Sun in indoor areas. Should I use instead level streaming to split levels into indoor parts without Sun and outdoor ones? I also want to have dissapearing “roofs” or walls as players enter indoor areas (only at the entrance, afterwards the interiors are Diablo-like corridors with cutaway walls).
Other things I can do to optimize performance, best practices or any UE examples for this kind of game I can look at? Thanks!