I’m trying to remove a branch from my behavior tree once a task (that can only be completed once) has been completed. I created a new decorator that simply checks if the bb value = true, if so to skip. However it works fine then appears to reset.
Does it use the return value in order to progress or does it also require the return node?
Yes, the return node is necessary, as that’s what determines whether or not the Decorator allows passage! That’s what it’s returning- True or False to the question “Should I continue down this behavior line?”
I’ve tried it wired in and it still appears to reset the bool to true despite nothing resetting it. I’ve tried every variation of flow control along with the bool condition check but still proceeds to use that branch.
Very frustrating as I understand what it needs and have created print events at almost all points and despite nothing resetting it, it still proceeds to advance, even watching the print show false.
I’ve just tried the to make it work with the blackboard decorator but something is still causing it to reset and walk back to the checkin position. Nothing is changing and still shows a complete (true) value.
Can blackboard variables reset without interference?
Very quick update, rather than updating the bool in the blackboard I cast back to the NPC (pawn) and toggled the bool variable.
I then used this bool in a custom decorator to determine the result and it no longer appears to randomly reset. I’m assuming the blackboard variable reset periodically.