Beginner - Lighting issues

Goof afternoon all

Please forgive my ignorance, I am very new to Unreal Engine and am battling with certain lighting issues. I have checked for certain tutorials and resolutions pertaining to my specific issues (which I assume could be a quick fix).

I have tried to place postprocessing volumes in place as well as fiddling around with certain settings in the sunsky etc. I have inserted the goodsky add on if this makes any differences… But as per the attached video, you will see my internal lighting spreads vastly once I am inside the building… I have also recently got these “glare” marks appearing from what seems like all light sources.
Apologies if this is a simple fix or error on my part.
But I would appreciate any input/advice…

As mentioned, I am at a very basic level of understanding and still wanting to learn this amazing package in more depth/detail.
Thank you in advance.

On the directional light, turn off lens flares :slight_smile: