Beam Particle refuses to activate 4-20

I’ve been working on a mod for a couple of months now and part of it is allowing the player to spawn a structure at one of several points in a boundary. The structure is supposed to have two beam particle systems that connect to its neighbors. I’ve attached the particle systems to the structure and deactivated autoactivation. The structure is given the vectors of the neighbors when it is spawned and the beams have their target points set before activation.

Problem is that the beams don’t show up. I don’t know exactly why its not working. I suspect that the function to activate the beam isn’t interacting with the component. I tried turning on autoactivate and the beams show up but look like they don’t have their target points set.

I’m using the basicbeam particle system that’s in the kit and used the guide for adding particle systems to dead bodies as a reference.

Any ideas or suggestions of what I’m doing wrong?