Copy PlayerPawnTest_Male / PlayerPawnTest_Female (If you child the underwear goes transparent)
Copy any Particle System you want to use (i.e. CrateSpawn_Overland_QualityTier2) (You can’t child them ;D )
Open PlayerPawnTest_Male with Full Editor and go to Components Section.
Add Component Particle System to [Root] CapsuleComponent. (If you add the “Particle System” to a mesh, the “Particle System” will rotate. If you don’t it will go upwards like the supply crate beam.)
Click on the newly created ParticleSystem1 and choose your Particle System in Details -> Particles -> Template
Right click “Add Event” -> “Event unpossessed”
(You need to hook your “Exec” to the right Event. Else your Logic (Event Graph connections) wont be Executed or be executed at the wrong time. Many ways will do this right. I wanted to hook our Logic to the “Event unpossessed” because if you die your PlayerPawnTest will become unpossessed.)
Right click “Game” -> “Damage” -> “Is Dead”
(We also want to check if the “PlayerPawnTest” is dead. Another posibility of “Event unpossessed” would be if you log out. This also triggers this event. So we need to be sure the PlayerPawnTest is dead)
Right click “Utilities” -> “Flow Control” -> “Branch”
(Well we need to check if the “PlayerPawnTest” is dead and we want our “branch” to be Executed, so it is linked to our Event and our function which tells us if the “PlayerPawnTest” is dead)
Drag and drop your “ParticleSystem1” from the left “My Blueprint” window into the Event Graph and choose “Get”
(Now we need to skip 2 logical steps to get our needed “Activate” Function which activates our Particle System.)
Now leftclick on the “blue circle” of the dropped “Particle System 1” and drop it into an open space in the Event Graph (this does not work any other way!)
(Here you can choose “Particle System” related Actions!)
Choose “Components” -> “Activation” -> “Activate”
(This is our needed Function to “Activate” our Particle System. The related “Particle System” is automatically linked to it.)
Link the red circle “Return Value” of “Is Dead” to the condition of the “branch”.
Link the white arrow “Exec” of “Event unpossessed” to the left white arrow of the “branch”
Finally connect the white arrow “True” of the “branch” to the left white arrow “Exec” of “Activate”
(We want our branch to execute the Function “Activate” if our condition is met (PlayerPawnTest is dead))
The “Particle System 1” should already be connected to “Activate” if not, do so now.
(If everything mets, the Function “Activate” activates our chosen ParticleSystem.)
I have to say that this worked like a charm. Definitely helped me out when my mod stopped working correctly (Dead Find for those who haven’t seen it yet). Very simple graph using the component, a lot simpler than my graph entirely.
Work fine in PiE but not in game maybe because of the particle i choose? i choose the CrateGlow_Tier3 (The Yellow Sphere Glow) (Tried both attached to Root / the mesh on hand)
Ah well, maybe it is a problem of steam and the workshop updater. Open Steam, desubscribe the mod. Delete the folder “steamapps\workshop\content\346110[YourModId]” and the folder “steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Content\Mods[YourModId]” and the file with your modid in “steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Content\Mods”. Now resubscribe. This always makes sure your local mod is realy up-to-date.
@Nguyen, Did you restart your map? Most changes made to objects that are involved with the player pawn need a fresh instance of the map.Make a backup and reset the map, that way if it still doesn’t work you will still have your old map.
Go into shootergame/saves/localsaves (I think, I’m not in front of my comp) and find theisland.ark and make a backup (change name to theislandbackup.ark or something) and start the game with the mod loaded. It will reset the map but not your character.
Just add a particle system to the root like in step 4 and 5. Just let auto activate true. Now everytime you drop a DeathItem (even if you hit drop all) it has a particle system. But this is the only way i know how to solve this.