We are in the process of developing a game that uses the ball spawner and as of UEFN update 27, the physics of ball have changed fairly significantly (WAY more bouncy).
I don’t see any mention of anything in the release notes that would seem to apply, which has left us a little uncertain what we need to tweak/change to get our game working as expected again (first attempts at changing the mass of the ball has no effect, changing gravity on the ball does seem to have an effect but it just makes the ball fall back down faster it doesn’t change how high or how much the ball wasn’t to bounce off the surface, and definitely doesn’t replicate how it worked before).
We have noticed that this change seems to be isolated (or at least most noticeable) to places where we constructed the ground from Hexylvania mud prop tiles (/Script/FortniteGame.FortPlaysetPropItemDefinition’/Game/Playsets/PlaysetProps/PPID_Prop_Mud_TRV_Swamp_Solid.PPID_Prop_Mud_TRV_Swamp_Solid’).
If we replace those tiles with PPID_SM_FORT_Floors_Generic_BasicTile_15681340 the ball doesn’t bounce at all off those tiles, and if we use PPID_SM_FORT_Floors_Generic_BasicTile_a6d5c262 the ball bounces a small amount.
Unfortunately, those generic floor tiles don’t align to the grid the same way the mud prop tile does so, switch to those represents a heavy investment in level rebuilding/adjusting.
Finally, and as somewhat of a side note, I went back and played several different private version code of this map that we pushed up over the last month and builds that working are also now not working (ball physics wise), does this mean that when new version of the engine are released all currently running maps just start running on the new engine even though they weren’t developed using that engine?
Mark Cieslar