Bad Shadows

Hi Guys!

I have a stationary point light in my room and I get bad shadows like this:

I’ve tried things like:

  • increase the value of r.Shadow.TexelsPerPixel
  • change the light map res of my object

But none of these helped. If you have any idea what causes the problem, please share with me! It would be a huge help.

Have you tried shadow bias or sharpen?

@Felis-catus Yes, and didn’t help.

Can’t really tell what I’m looking at since you’re zoomed in so far. Just remember though, with Stationary lights the direct shadows are real-time shadow maps, so lightmap settings will have no effect on those shadows, only the indirect lighting is baked when using Stationary lights.

and stationary object, right?

Stationary meshes don’t use any baked lighting but compared to movable meshes a stationary mesh can use cached shadow maps if they are lit by a light that isn’t moving at the time.

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