Bad Shadows

It’s maybe an amateur question, but I didn’t find an answer for that. So I have room with a dynamic point light in it. If I place in a simple cube that I created in Blender, it has good shadow. But if I rotate it, then some edges will have bad shadow. Before you ask why is it important, I have a non symmetrical door mesh and as you can see, it has the same problem. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?

Hi there. I you look at the model or the actor settings there should be a settings to do with shadows. There is a setting called shadow quality. increase this a bit. Not to much as the game may lag. Also look at the engine setting. It may be your game is fine and it is just the shadow level is low or somthing like that.
Hope that helped. There are also tutorial videos online on youtube. Just ask if you want a link to a video.

Hi! Thanks for your answer. I took a look into the engine settings and everything was set to epic quality. I tried to set it to cinematic but that didn’t help. I also wanted to try set shadow quailty of the mesh but I didn’t find this setting. I only found light map resolution, but unfortunately setting it higher did’t help neither.

Hi. I will send you a video gide on shadows and how to fix them. Also did you make sure you rebuilt your lighting in your level?