Hi I am making a space game , I made a sun by slapping pale yellow colour on a spherical mesh and then multiplying it by 50 then linking it to the emmissive material node.
**Device details Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300 Mali400 GPU android 4.3 Jelly bean
Engine Version 4.5.1
Mobile HDR is Enabled in project settings → rendering (if I turn it off the sun becomes white ball in editor as well)
I suppose that it is due to some limitation of the device hardware? In case it is then what are the workarounds and alternatives? I have seen HDRish sun in the game “Gravity” available in play store , I just don’t know how they did it
You are missing most of the post processing effects, namely the bloom on the sun.
Not sure if UE4’s mobile render pipeline doesn’t support those at all, or if they can/need to be enabled somehow, but I think it just doesn’t support them.
Some of the postproccessing effects affect each other. In my current project for example I don’t get lensflares when turning off bloom. So its likely that when the HDR (automatice exposure) is turned off, the exposure is at a value where no blooming accours. If those two are indeed connected, it would explain why you never have blooming on your mobile sun, as automatic exposure is not supported on mobile platforms according to this: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Platforms/Mobile/PostProcessEffects/index.html
// EDIT:
You can try playing with the “Auto Exposure Bias” value, see if that helps.
Oh no! Seriously? no dynamic lights on mobile devices? REALLY? Great!
but why? There are so many games I’ve seen that use dynamic lighting , its not something that mobile hardware is incapable of handling! Also there are so many other things that are unnecessarily disabled for mobile devices. Its likely that all devices are being treated as of having same performance and applying a global limit to all devices derived from the worst performing device.
This is rather annoying! I do know that PC is the main target for the engine and only 2D games are recommended for mobile devices but this should not be the case. Please enable or at least give the developers an option to enable or disable dynamic lights and not to keep it hardcoded disabled
Currently we only support Dynamic Directional Lights. Dynamic point lights and Dynamic Spot Lights are not supported as each light adds and extra shader permutation and the maintenance burden is too high. We might be implementing this in the future as these devices become more powerful, but it is not currently on the roadmap.