Babylon project (provisional name)

Here a test using a Quixel asset (the rock wall). Looks good, but the texture was scaled down from 8K to 2K and it’s insuficient.

Also I don’t know if I can use these models in UDK. License says to use with Unreal Engine, so I think I can.


Yup, you can, since UDK it’s Unreal 3 engine. You only can’t use them on Unity/Godot/etc without purchasing them. :slight_smile:

I’ve watched your video with a guy messing up with the guards. Man, I forgot to mention how FANTASTIC is the character movement system you made for this game. It’s similar to the most advanced movement kit on UE4, the Advanced Locomotion System. (the dev who made ALS kit was hired by Epic Games… And your character movement system is pretty similar in UDK. You’re a kinda genius. I bet you had learnt Unreal 4 in less than a month)

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Great idea. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Nice to see you here again :slight_smile:


I honestly need to express it, why is people so amazed with the ALS thingy.
After all, all you want is your character to move from point a to point b. OFC parkour system it is important but come on that he does some slightly moves… IDK It is just an opinion, I don’t want problems with anyone… And less with performance in video games.

Other things come first like a good collision system when fighting with swords, or a good animation system, or nice creative mechanichs…

Best of luck with tyour projects guys : D.

Neongho, what is ALS? And OFC?

OFC just means of course
ALS is Advanced Locomotion System, a UE4 character movement pack that went free for the month some time ago. people were amazed(?) with the ALS thingy probably because it was made free and it’s good. maybe it served as an eye opener for inexperienced people to realize locomotion is not just straight WASD animations with simple blending.

to me good locomotion and good combat collision and nice creative mechanics are not mutually exclusive. sure some things ‘come first’ but a game needs all of them and needs them to be good - interesting combat mechanics in a 3d game won’t appeal to anyone if the animations don’t visually support it, etc

you don’t just want your character to move from point a to point b, that gets boring quickly. for a task (walking) that takes so much time of a game you want to find ways to keep the player entertained.
straight lines are also boring so levels have obstacles to find paths around (that’s simple level design theory). but then parkour is popular because it gives players freedom to cut paths through those obstacles in their own way.

really I don’t see where your opinion is going. maybe you don’t like certain features/systems and that seems to get in the way of your understanding of their importance

Well, you taught me a lot of good things that apply to game mechanichs like focusing on the CORE component BUT I think that in here it is true that locomotion system of the CORE mechs is not that important.
Sorry for my lame post I just can’t find the time lol.

Thanks for the explanation, and agree with you that graphics and gameplay are not mutually exclusive. I often see people talking bad about games because they have good graphics. Surely the gameplay is the main thing, but if it is accompanied by good graphics, the better.

I’m an artist and usually spot bad animation and movement a mile away. Poor movement irritates me profoundly, mainly in an action and adventure games (and around 80% of games are terribly animated). It was pretty hard to find bad movements in ALS V4. A bad movement destroys the playability in games. Again, this kit is only a start to develop a project, not a finished project. Of course, I don’t think ALS works well with stylized visual, looking pretty robotic. But it works fine with realistic/naturalistic characters.

(Movement= animation system interacting with the player, in my monkey vocabulary XD).

I’ve tried many techniques, from Root motion to overly complicated blendspace+a lot of ANim_BP tweaking. Nothing I made was close to that kit. But, I’m an artist, and not even a technical one. I’m interested to develop a game with a have here, finishing and releasing it… this century XD I can worry with an innovative mechanics later.

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I come from the 90s when video games used to be pure mechanichs, so it I have different concept for their quality I guess, thanks for sharing your opinions pretty useful.

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Me too ^^

I was able to get good results using custom MOCAP animations and the UDK Animation Tree System, as you can see here:

It’s a good mocap ^^
However, we were talking about the animation coded in the character movement.

I’ve seen your game before. It’s a neat idea to have a Palestinian as a protagonist.

Now, I’m curious, I noticed there’s a Brazilian age rate of 18 at the beginning of your video.
What’s your equipment to mocap? I have an old Kinect and finding a facial mocap program is a nightmare.

Você está no Brasil para ter a classificação indicativa brasileira? Não temos muitos imigrantes palestinos por aqui. Geralmente temos mais estraqngeiros turcos e libaneses.

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Hello my friend. Thanks for the compliments. Yeah I used my Xbox 360 Kinect Camera for MOCAP my game’s characters animations. However I did not use facial animations on this game. Whenever I move to UE4 or UE5, I will yes use facial animations. I think with the technology today you can have good facial animations without facial mocap.

Que bom mais uma Dev BR aqui na comunidade Unreal Engine. Eu tenho muitos amigos e amigas devs lá nos grupos do facebook. Mas agora por diversas razões eu resolvi ficar offline das redes sociais até eu finalizar meu game.

Sou brasileiro, filho de palestinos, gaúcho mas moro em Santa Catarina.


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Happy New Year to all!


Happy New Year~ :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Nice I see that you are having fun with the HUD, you don´t use scaleform right ?

Yes, they are drawn with canvas.drawrect.

Hello Cobalt. I’s been a longtime and am wondering if the game is still worked on. Would love to try a demo of it if possible. Gracias adelantado. :slight_smile: