Babylon project is a provisional name for a open world, multi mission, single player game.
It’s ambiented in the mesopotamian cultures, but it’s a fantasy, not historical, game.
The game is inspired by the stories of the Anunnaki in the ancient Sumer.
I started to learn UDK two years ago and at this point the code part is almost finished. Still there are a lot of work with the graphic part.
The map area has 100 square kilometers (but some are water). It’s a UDK Landscape with several localizations using streaming levels.
Foliage is placed around the player dynamically:
Illumination are full dynamic, with complete day/night cycle, night lighting with shadows, etc.
The game uses the principle of “if are hidden, destroy it” as a way to always keep a minimum of actors on the map and can run at an acceptable framerate. An example of this is the foliage, but it also applies to characters and objects on the map.
Characters are modular, can be customized in appearance, clothes, etc.
APEX cloth are used for some cloths and hairs.
Alien ship:
Here is one of the latests videos:
More videos in the Youtube channel: Cobalt UDK - YouTube
the (provisional) game blog:
and Facebook: Redirecting...
The game main language will be english with subtitles for others languages, but in the videos some voices are in spanish (I’m from Spain). Are “dummy” voices, not for the final game.
I have had sporadic collaborations but basically I’m working alone in the project. If you are interested in collaborating (royalties) please contact me. Particularly 3D artists are needed.
(the old thread from the previous UDK forums: No project, just learning - Epic Games Forums )