Babylon project (provisional name)

Excellent work! Looks amazing! @_@

“VCTF-Retribution” is a map based on the future world.
But I think that your map looks nice with your characters.
I don’t feel a sense of incompatibility from your map. @_@

It’s the proper work.
The sense of balance is good!

1 minute and 5 seconds in gave me a rare laugh out loud moment.thank you for that.a great start to the day.:smiley:

Kee, it’s futuristic, but has a “retro” touch.

661gaz, then look at 6:12 :smiley:

Here is a voice test for the female character:

Voices are from Katabelle. I think still needs more tension, more anxiety. She is working in that.

Music composed by Nathan Britton.

Cool ! :slight_smile:

3:1 sword fighting is very interesting.^^
It’s good work.

Thanks :slight_smile:

This is why I did firearms code for a swords game…

Update: combat gameplay (ground/air):

Some improvements to the female voices, all by Katabelle (

All the NPC’s have the same voices, but with different pitch values. Voices reflects now more tension in the combat.

There are still some bugs to fix in the animations, and the clothes are no fitting the bodies, that were modified after doing the clothes.

Music by Nathan Britton.

winged discs.i wasn’t expecting that!

but then, “nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition” might be too young to remember this.

Heh, don’t remember, probably the spanisht tv didn’t show it. But I remember the Benny Hill show :slight_smile:

I wanted to reveal the aliens in a official trailer, but as all are going too slow, didn’t want to wait.

superb work as always.

however long the wait is,i think you have an awfull lot of followers eagerly awaiting the release.

as for benny hill,i can see him now being chased by a few of your models.and loving it.

Benny Hill and the Ninja Triplets… interesting.

Hello CobalUDK!
Do you think you can make a tutorial on how to achieve this camera automatic exposure?

Works by adjusting the “tone high” in the post proccess. Depends on the camera angle respect the Sun.

Adjusting light component instead is very very slow.

Here are the code:

exec function AutoExpo(float DeltaTime)
  	local float F,B;
	local avatar P;
	local vector V;
	P = avatar(WorldInfo.GetALocalPlayerController().Pawn);
	if (P == none) return;
	F = vsize2D(vector(P.cam_rot) -  vector(sol.rotation));
	if (F < 1.5) { F = 0.01; }
	if (F < 1 && !P.FastTrace(P.location - vector(Sol.Rotation)*50000, P.location, , true)) { F = 10; } //collisions

	B = ExpoUsa;
	F = ToneHigh - (F/(4+B));
	F = fclamp(F,ToneHigh - (B/10),ToneHigh);
	ExpoDeseada = Lerp(ExpoDeseada,F,Deltatime);
	V.X=ExpoDeseada;V.y=ExpoDeseada;V.z=ExpoDeseada; WorldInfo.DefaultPostProcessSettings.Scene_HighLights=V;

Some variables out the function:

“cam_rot” is the current camera rotation, stored in the player class (avatar).

“sol” is the directional light used as Sun.

“ExpoUsa” is the exposition intesity, from 0 to 3. Set by the user.

“ToneHigh” is a variable used in user configuration to adjust the scene high lights. The value I’m using is 0.85.

I’m using this in the gameinfo class, called from the tick event.

Hello Cobal!thanks a lot for your sample function

De nada, hombre.

Here is a music and voice test:

Excellent work!!! @_@
When do you release your game?

I like the music, probably will be the final but perhaps with more duration.

Libby is english, and Katabelle from USA, as I’m not very good with the english, how do you see to use both (and probably others more) in the game?
Male characteres are still using provisional voices in spanish, I hope to have english voices soon.

You can switch to first person and third person camera by pressing a button. In the video I switched to look the face of Scully more close.

The artifacs in the distant city are the water plane when join the terrain, at the shores. When there are two planes very close, in the distant they flick. I don’t know how to fix.

Kee, the problem to finish the game is that I can’t find 3d artist to help me with the models and maps. Nobody wants to work for royalty, no risks, only wants to work as 8hourday/slaves for big companys.

Have you used ‘Depth Fade’ material node in UE4?

‘Depth Fade’ is NOT supported in UE3.^^;;;;
But I think that you can convert it for the problem of the water and the shore in your project.
You should probably use custom material feature in UE3.

Good luck! ^^