Automated Turrets can't destroy/disable

I am trying to use an automated turret. However when I set it to the opposite team, and set the health to 100, I can’t seem to destroy it. Also it shoots at creatures as well as players when set to team index. I would think if set to Team Wildlife and Creatures, that is when it would shoot creatures. Not when its set to Team and then lets say Team index 2.

Not sure about the damage issue, sounds like a bug, but setting an AI item to anything other than Wildlife and creatures will have it attack wildlife and creatures as it’s not on their team. The point is that it’s on Team 2, NOT wildlife and creatures. Hope that helps :slight_smile:

Ah ok, that makes sense!! Ill give that a go, thank you.

Ya not sure what to do about the turret not being destroyed, may have to wait for a fix but will just keep trying different settings.

Thanks @GraemeBB

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