Augmented Reality for UE4

Hello . I’ve received the information that is presumably dead for a long time (forever?) but the new support for the framework can be found here

Great! I’ll keep my eyes on this.


I am pleased to announce the latest version of the plugin!

AR Plugin V1.11 - 2018-03-22

  • Updated for Unreal Engine v4.19
  • Added support for Android 8 OREO
  • Added support for Visual Studio 2017
  • Android camera bugfix
  • Plugin compatibility fix
  • Minor bugfixes

Available on !

In case you have already purchased the plugin you can download the latest version from your account:

If you did not create a user during the checkout process send me any email with your # order id to and I’ll send you a new link.

I’ve been trying to install the ARToolKit so I can get at the NFT training tools. Every version of the toolkit I download says to use the installer executable but none of them seem to have one! Am I missing something? I’ve downloaded about three different versions and they all tell me to use an installer.exe that doesn’t seem to be there

  1. Download artoolkit from this link: - Google Drive

  2. Extract it

3.You can find the required .exe files in the /bin directory.

How many individual markers are supported to be tracked at one time?


Got the same error on UE4.19 and V1.11. Just sent the new output log on the email.

UPDATE: I deleted everything from iPhone and unreal, restarted the project from scratch. The very 1st time it run, the app gets stuck at “Loading…” screen. After rerunning the app, I get the white screen with the (Webcam init error). Tried both Launching the app and packaging it.


Just sent you a response in email, with some additional questions.

Hi , im interested to talk to you for a project im doing. Maybe we can do something about it :D.

Discord :

In case you would like to have a previous chat, to tell when to talk i provide my phone nº.

My phone /whatsapp : +34 622 894 600 ( Adrian )



Hi Adrian,

Please send me an email to with the details.


Hi guys,

Has anyone successfully managed to package for windows?

I’m always getting the ‘Webcam init error’ message.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Did you try it with one of the full versions ? The demo can’t be packaged, it’s just running in the editor.

Ah ok, yeah i’m using the demo version. I thought It was just me doing something wrong.

Then I will proceed to buy the commercial version, I just wanted to test that it meets the needs of our project first.

The only other things I would need to confirm first is whether…

  • Using 4 markers for 4 separate models is possible?

  • It’s possible to still display the models even when the markers aren’t visible anymore?

Thank you for the help

  1. Yes you can track 4 markers at the same time
    Check out this example with multiple markers:

  2. You can display objects on their last known position

Ok Excellent, thank you very much.

Also, have you seen any examples of SLAM being used in cooperation with your marker tracking?

Hi everything works really great, i love this plugin :slight_smile: I am struggling right now a bit with the display of a widget while a marker is detected. If i add a widget to the viewport in the levelBP when a marker is detected, then the widget displays perfectly. But i havent found the right spot in that BP to remove this widget once the marker is gone. I tried allready so many places, but the widget never goes away! anyone a suggestion?


In the Advanced sample project, open the level blueprint and in the tick function you will find all the GetMarker nodes. Each GetMarker node has a visibility pin. If the marker is tracked the visbility is true.

You can use this value with a branch node to hide / unhide the menu widget. (SetVisibility) In case you have more than one GetMarker nodes at the beginning of the tick function set a variable to false and only set it true if any of the GetMarker nodes visbility is true, then test against this variable.

ahaaa thanks , thats a very good way. I tried to do it in a different (wrong :)) way.This will work for sure!

Hey , v11 is not working with UNREAL 4.18, visual studio 2015. This is the error message I get

An error occurred while trying to generate project files.

Running C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_4.18/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe  -projectfiles -project="C:/Users/shunx/Documents/Unreal Projects/ARDnD/ARDnD.uproject" -game -rocket -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project...
While compiling C:\Users\shunx\Documents\Unreal Projects\ARDnD\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\ARDnDModuleRules.dll:
ERROR: c:\Users\shunx\Documents\Unreal Projects\ARDnD\Plugins\ARToolkitPlugin\Source\ThirdParty\ARToolkit\ARToolkit.Build.cs(110,13) : error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections..List<UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules.RuntimeDependency>.Add(UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules.RuntimeDependency)' has some invalid arguments
ERROR: c:\Users\shunx\Documents\Unreal Projects\ARDnD\Plugins\ARToolkitPlugin\Source\ThirdParty\ARToolkit\ARToolkit.Build.cs(110,37) : error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'string' to 'UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules.RuntimeDependency'
ERROR: c:\Users\shunx\Documents\Unreal Projects\ARDnD\Plugins\ARToolkitPlugin\Source\ThirdParty\ARToolkit\ARToolkit.Build.cs(111,13) : error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections..List<UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules.RuntimeDependency>.Add(UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules.RuntimeDependency)' has some invalid arguments
ERROR: c:\Users\shunx\Documents\Unreal Projects\ARDnD\Plugins\ARToolkitPlugin\Source\ThirdParty\ARToolkit\ARToolkit.Build.cs(111,37) : error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'string' to 'UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules.RuntimeDependency'
ERROR: c:\Users\shunx\Documents\Unreal Projects\ARDnD\Plugins\ARToolkitPlugin\Source\ThirdParty\ARToolkit\ARToolkit.Build.cs(112,13) : error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections..List<UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules.RuntimeDependency>.Add(UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules.RuntimeDependency)' has some invalid arguments
ERROR: c:\Users\shunx\Documents\Unreal Projects\ARDnD\Plugins\ARToolkitPlugin\Source\ThirdParty\ARToolkit\ARToolkit.Build.cs(112,37) : error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'string' to 'UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules.RuntimeDependency'
ERROR: UnrealBuildTool Exception: Unable to compile source files.
Took 0.000170 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf' (155K)

Yes. It works with 4.19 out of the box.

If you want to make it work on 4.18 you need to replace it with [FONT=courier new]Plugins\ARToolkitPlugin\Source\ThirdParty\ARToolkit\ARToolkit.Build.cs from the previous version.