Hello, I need help. Im creating PVP map and I want to have around 15 different audios on my map. The music should only play for the players who turned it on (for each player seperate music depending on what audio they chose) and there is also a problem where Audio stops playing after player gets eliminated. Is there a way to make this work so that players dont need to turn on the audio everytime they die meanwhile all players hear the audio they chose? (I though maybe verse code can help but idk how to write the code and normal device linking seems really complicated if not impossible).
Are you using the interaction with the audio player to play for the instigator ?
Have you tried using the register player function ?
Hello, yes I have tried many things, with the radio and audio player. Preferably I want trigger (I also tried switch) on evry white plane (as you can see in the picture) and when player hit the trigger with pickaxe aduio will start playing for that player only, then the player can switch between audios or turn off the audio completely. I tried registering the audio on player spawn but that start playing the audio from beginning (which I dont want, I want it to continue playing wihtout the reset) .
NOTE : in radio device there is not an option for instigator only settings
Ah hah OK, so the registering stops too on elimination.
I think the instigator only comes into effect by a players directly interacting or damaging audio.
I’m thinking somehow using a player reference device to store the player who picks that audio, then using its activate function to gat an event to start the audio player. The trouble is getting the elimination of the player to give an activation for the correct player reference…
New thought…
Classes… it will increase the number of spawnpads…hows your memory count.
When a player activates the audio it changes the player to the class slot assigned to that audio.
place extra gameplay spawnpads set to each class.
Which gives you x15 spawnpads if you put them in clusters or you can mix them up a bit and have different spawn locations for different audio picks.
then use the on player spawned events of the spawnpads to play the audio, and they will be set to the correct audio player by the spawnpads class settings.
The Radio Device post where DustinREDGames informed us about the unregister/register to make it play again.
an unregistering player on elimination… try using either an Elimination Manager, and use the unregister player function of all audios with the eliminated event.
If that fails using a tracker may pass the correct instigator.
Ping ponging them, using 2 trackers, the first tracks, disable second tracker and completes, resets itself and enables the other tracker, which disables first tracker, completes and resets itself and enables the first one, repeat to infinity…
Thank you for respondig but in the end I found a solution, I gave up on radio and audio devices and instead used cinematic sequences and put audio tracks into them. Now using triggers I can activate cinematic sequences and they only play for instigator only + they dont reset on eliminations and can loop