Attaching volumes to an actor or spline?

Hey guys,

I am working on a large open world map and we have a water volume that is placed in the world like most other volumes nothing special. The issue I have is we have several very long and winding rivers in the map and its a downright pain to go in and manually align a volume from one end to the other.

My question is, is there a way to attach a volume to a mesh or spline (we used the terrain spline to make the rivers and it has the water material applied to it) so the volume would use that as the area it has an effect on? Not had a ton of luck with that so far after trying a few things.

If not does anyone know of a way to make volumes render as opaque in the editor? I find the transparency when editing the vertices very hard to work with.

Thanks so much!


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Its a shame there isn’t an answer to this. I have the exact same question/issue.

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Very old topic, but had the same question myself today and didn’t find an answer online. After a big of messing about though, managed to get it working by repurposing a static mesh to act as the volume - thought I’d leave the steps here in case like me, this post was top of the list.

  • Copy a basic static mesh (Basic 1x1 cube for me)
  • Adjust the mesh settings etc so that it’s not visible, collision to OverlapAll, size/scale and all of that (although you can probably set this to be more dynamic / align with something like a river as mentioned in the initial post in the next step)
  • In the blueprint with your spline, in the construction script, just add this new mesh along the spline as you would any static mesh, spawning it at every distance x
  • Add in your ‘OnActorBeginOverlap’ etc events or whatever it is into the blueprint event graph, and it should work nicely

Note that I had performance issues when making adjustments to the construction script (at least after it had been placed in a level), might be worth having a parameter in there somewhere that you can switch collision on/off in the world outliner or something like that, or only enable the collision once everything’s been set up, your spline is in your level and you’re not likely to it move again.

Hope that helps anyone with the same question.