I have been experimenting with the cascade module. I have attached the particles to the bones of my character, but I can’t reference the actor in the scene because the mesh spawns at game start. How can I attach the particles? I am looking to create a character made entirely of these particles, so I would also like to use both the surface mesh and the bone attachment modules inside of cascade.
Hey -
When you set up your emitter in Cascade, you will be assigning the Skel Mesh Actor Param Name. This is the Parameter variable that you will want to assign in C++ or Blueprint when you spawn the Skel Mesh into the game world, “Set Actor Parameter.” If you are doing this in blueprints you will need to place the Skel Mesh into a Blueprint as a Component then in another BP that actually spawns the Mesh, Add the Spawn Actor from Class and choose the newly created BP as the class.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Awesome! Thank you so much!