Attached Character jitter/lag on Client?

I attached my character to an actor.

Testing seems everything is fine on one machine, but in build/standalone version Client is lagging/jittering. As soon as client character detaches, everything smooth.

Here are examples, my attached/detached character flying in free space:
(capped fps on listen server to better see lag)

Client Attached:

Client Detached:

This problem occurs somewhere in Character Movement Component. How can fix that?

When you say “attached my character to an actor”, do you mean you attached the character to another actor?


Well then you’re fighting the character movement component on the server.

If attaching to another actor you need to disable CMC and use that actors movement control. Otherwise attach the actor to the character.

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There will be multiple characters(clients) attached to this actor.


There’s no maybe about it. The server checks location, rotation and states on CMC every frame.

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On the server, I don’t notice this jitter/lag behavior.

I’m in hell loop, tried to override almost every function! Nothing helps!
both on true, and doesn’t change behavior… WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Did you ever find a solution for this?

No, in the end you are not supposed to attach character. But i didn’t try client authority movement, that might solve the problem. Currently i’m looking forward for GMCv2 (General Movement Component v2) plugin that being in development that will ahve extensive support for moving platforms. And also there is The Mover plugin i wanna try.