Atmospheric Fog Disappearing

Okay, this is my first full post and I am new to UE4, so I will mess stuff up. Please have some grace.

Well, the topic question kinda tells the whole story. The Atmospheric Fog and Lighting seem to disappear when in PIE.
It goes from this:

To this:

The lighting, no matter how many times i rebuild it, refuses to apply to the world. It’s happened before to me, and it seems unfixable. If i don’t see any help on it, I will post another question later.

EDIT: I did find a slight fix for the lighting here:
Except now it looks the same but with a smaller number. Screenshot - d39207fedd4cf7fcb39a770794b5b961 - Gyazo

It looks as if auto exposure is stepping in when you hit PIE and you get completely black shadows. Is the light source set to Stationary? If it is, do you have a lightmass importance volume in the level?

Do you have some show flags disabled in PIE? Click the show button at the top of the viewport and click use defaults. That resets all show flags.

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I did, but It was about the default size, I never bothered to check it again after I added it to the level. I have resized it to encompass the whole level. After a quick rebuild it looks the exact same as it did before.
Thanks for the quick reply by the way.

I just tried that, it did not affect anything.

Thank You! It’s works.