Since this Problem for me is unsolved for over a year now, i will start this topic.
I cannot Reimport/Reimport with new file of ANY Asset.
Changes to the source file do not apply to the Asset file in the content browser. I always have to delete the asset and then import as a full new object - which is annoying and breaks most of the codes and references, each time i need to edit stuff in the sources.
Especially annoying with meshes and Textures.
I tried to Fix Redirectors…
I tried to reinstall the whole engine…
I tried to change the source path of the asset…
Nothing worked.
Right now, i deleted and installed again, all of my Engine and plugins.
Tried each fix with the Epic games launcher UE 5.5.3, and the latest Github Source branch.
I also set a whole new project up… containing nothing… just a full blank project…
Tried to import an FBX… worked
Tried to rightlick the FBX and chose Reimport or Reimport with new file, failed…
I don’t know why it is failing, the output log does not list an error…
The original source *.fbx file is in the same folder as the uasset file…
Again, I have completely reinstalled the engine and tried it with both, Launcher Version and GitHub Source version - in a fresh and new project without any changes in plugins or settings.
Initial import of an asset is working by dragging the source into the content browser, right-clicking content browser and chose import (first option) or by simply saving the source to the content folder.
1 - Changing source and saving
2 - Right-clicking Asset in Content Browser and choosing Reimport OR Remport with new File
Both do not work and throw an Error on Reimport.
I (and maybe others) cannot change anything in their source files to update the uasset.
Current Workaround:
Delete the Asset and all of its references in the Content Browser/Folder ⇾ Fix up redirectors ⇾ Import new asset from same source
Workaround breaks all references and codes…
In this state, I simply cannot work with any Asset and artist, or I created… cause every reference and asset link will break on each small update of the source, because I need to delete the whole *.uasset and the redirector of the content folder.
Problem is still prominent.. i even cannot fix Warnings of missing assets when packaging.. even the assets exist.. unreal simply cannot find the source files, which are located directly in the same folder as the uasset..
To recap stuff:
The problem is pretty much:
Importing new Assets do works.. - F.e. importing a new PNG graphic.
Rightclicking the Asset (even the previous new imported ones) in Content Browser and choosing any Reimport option – Fails..
Opening the PNG with any graphic Program and changing a color.. saving.. Unreal recognizes the update – fails to update/reimport..
I also tried to open specific assets and checked – also changed – the source path.. also does not fix it..
I literally have to delete the whole source file – which also deletes the linked uasset.. breaking all references.. to import a new updated asset..
And for the packaged game..
it packages without any problems.. no errors.. some warnings about skipped files cause it couldn't find the source (it literally is in the content folder, beside the uasset).. but the cooking packaging Exits successfully..
When i open the packaged path..
And try to start it.. no matter if with a doubleclick or CMD (with -log Extension)...
It just does nothing.. so no log gets created.. no events fired or created...
Same happens after uploading to steam.. it just is not starting up..
Hello Patrick,
I tried to reproduced something as closed as what you showed, but it works on my machine. I am wondering if you did not get into some dirty state that UE struggles to get out of. Have you tried deleting your intermediate and save folders in your project and then try again?
Also, are you still in 5.5.3? We did a fix around Auto-Reimport issue in 5.5.4 but from what I see it was something different of what you are showing here.
Do you only add pictures to the folder manually and wait for UE to do the auto import? Do you also drag and drop textures in the folder directly?
If you know how to reproduce that situation from a fresh project I would like to get those steps.
For importing i either save the sources directly to the project (autoimport), drag them in if possible, or use the Import New feature.
Mostly go via drag&drop.
I completely removed the intermediate, datacache, saved, binaries of my project.
But since this also happens in a completely new, clean and empty project.. think that is not the problem.
So i also deleted the intermediate and datacache of the engine - no solution.
This problem occures on ALL my project - even on completely new generated ones.
i think you didn’t understand - It’s not these 3 textures.. it’s ALL Assets and ALL Asset types.. No matter if static mesh from FBX, Texture2D, Audio, Video, TXT/XML/JSON/..etc..etc.. all of them, are not being able to reimport. I literally cannot work on ANY Asset in my projects.
My Drives are not full - the Drive of UE5 and the projects is filled to 800GB of 2.7TB.
All my Drives are M.2 NVMe SSDs.
I validated UE5 multiple times now, even reinstalled everything.
I’m also not sure if it is cause of Source control (All projects have Git setup for Github)
In Follow: A video of trying to import and reimport of 3 textures to my project + i attached the Log of this project.
Thank you Patrick, I saw you mentioned it was for all your assets. I focussed on texture as they are the simplest type of asset to import and they were the one you showed in the video earlier.
I am really struggling to pin point the issue here. Do you have more details on when it started failing?
Is it when you switch to 5.5? Was it working in 5.4 or any version prior?
Did it stop working between 5.4 and 5.5.0 or it stops between 5.5.2 and 5.5.3?
Is it a new machine?
From what I got yesterday speaking with the dev is that the reimport fails very early in the process, so early it looks more related to finding / opening / reading the source file than some issue when re processing or importing the asset itself.
Devs have seen similar type of issue when someone try to work with file that were edited in another culture than their own.