my GPU card died a few days ago and I’m planning on replacing it in a few days. I’m a curious guy so I installed an old gpu I had (ATI HD 4850X2) while waiting for my new GPU and launched Rocket with it. With a surprise I discovered that rocket started successfully without errors other than the need to recompile the shaders (a lot of shaders).
I was wondering if the engine already supports DX10/DX9 cards or only the DX11 shaders for the moment ?
We support both Shader Model 5 (DX11) and Shader Model 4 (DX10) cards for UE4. As Oscar mentions you can force the engine to use the Shader Model 4 support path with “-d3d10” on the command line. Obviously some features that require DX11 will not work: tessellation, reflection environment, and sorted GPU particles for example.
At this time we are not supporting Shader Model 3 (DX9).
That’s great ! Back on Rocket then !
Thanks for the quick answer.
I tried forcing it to run in DX10 and it worked. it did take a while to re-compile the already-working shaders, which I took as a positive sign that it was indeed compiling the shaders into DX10. and in the main window title I could see PCD3D_SM4 instead of PCD3D_SM5.
then again, everything looked the same as in DX11, except maybe the skin shader. but keep in mind I’m running a test character on a test map, nothing fancy.
to make this work I ran Rocket.exe -d3d10
now, DX9? sadly it’s not supported at all and at some point they stated that for now they have no plans to change this.