AR Black Screen - No Camera Passthrough

This occurs for me in both 5.3.0 and 5.3.1. Ive seen the other topics about this, but I cant find any solution that applies to me. My android phone runs other AR apps fine, and it also runs my other unreal apps through quick launch just fine. Im using linux ubuntu. I installed unreal engine precompiled following these instructions:

I create a new project using the AR template, modify the project settings for android dev, and then add an effect into the scene (e.g. “sparks”, “smoke”). I deploy the app to my phone and it launches normally. I click Begin Scan, and as soon as I allow it to use the camera, I get an error in my log:
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-21 21:22:57.301 22638 22775 D UE : [2023.10.22-04.22.57:301][415]LogGoogleARCore: Error: SetCameraTextureIds 4 textures
The “sparks” appear and move around the screen as I move the phone (so I know the camera is being used and that AR is working), but the background is black. Anyone else have this issue?



Same problem with 5.1, not revolved with 5.2 nor 5.3.
The difference is that I’m using MacOS Ventura in Mac Studio, and that my app works perfectly in development; it shows black screen when I package in shipping + distribution. I don’t Know how to help.

Heres the part of the source code where the error occurs: in the FGoogleARCoreDevice::StartSession() function. What confuses me is that there doesnt seem to be any conditionals or if statements around the error logging, which makes me think that its SUPPOSED to make an error. What is happening?

btw you have to sign up for the UE newsletter and other crap to see the source code on github.

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Did you find the answer? I am facing the same problem.

You have the solution here: iOS AR app shows black background rather than a camera overlay in production - #69 by TTF_eric1
Good luck!

Study this one also: iOS AR app shows black background rather than a camera overlay in production - #71 by SOLEDADDIAZ
Good luck!