In my multiplayer game I have come across the need for a event similar to event possessed in my character blueprint, except it runs on the client and not the server. When searching, I have come across APawn::Restart which is supposed to do just this, however, I am working in blueprint and I cannot seem to find this event here in my character blueprint. Where can I find this function in blueprint and if I can’t, is there an alternative?
it is a function not an event inside of apawn which is not exposed to BP. what about creating a RPC runOnCLient and calling that onPossess? Why do you need it (only?) on the client?
Thanks for the response. I tried to do what you said before asking this question but it didn’t work. What I am trying to do is spawn in a player by spawning the pawn and then possessing it. I have an initiation script that was in begin play however, it no longer works as it is needs to run after it has been possessed rather than on the spawn of the pawn. I am not sure why it didn’t work when I called a RPC function on the client. I am guessing it has something to do with delay and it being possessed on the server slightly before it is on the client. It is also worth noting that when I do it this way it works on the host but not on the Client. Please let me know if you have any thoughts. Thanks.