Hi everyone,
first time on answer hub, can anyone tell me how this kind of glam glitter material can be made in UE4? or post a kind of tutorial for this? some guidance would be great too.
thank you so much.
best regards
Hi everyone,
first time on answer hub, can anyone tell me how this kind of glam glitter material can be made in UE4? or post a kind of tutorial for this? some guidance would be great too.
best regards
I wouldn’t know but if I needed some, I’d grab those very free materials from the marketplace and took them apart to see what makes them tick:
Might be a great starting point. Perhaps it’s a matter of fiddling with a bunch of parameters.
Also, I found this somewhere for when I retire and find the time to learn how make things go all sparkly:
I’ve yet to read it so not sure how good it is.
[…]not exactly what i am looking
I wasn’t suggesting you used it as is, I was merely suggesting to take it apart, which should give you a good understanding of how the undercoat glitter effect happens. You’d remove undesired elements from the material and exaggerate others.
Good luck!
i have seen al these, but is not exactly what i am looking for. the car paint one might not be exactly what i need.
Thank you i will take a look into this material and see if i am able to get what i would like to have.