This is all I have been able to find on the internet for Unreal 4 Networking. Here
Is there any other guides on C++ networking in unreal? Shootergame is like 1000000 lines of code and I don’t even know which Cpp file to look at in it, so far I’m not noticing replication.
Shooter game is really going to be your best bet. Its the simplest self contained example for multiplayer gameplay. It is a tiny amount of code compared to real projects.
In shooter game ServerFireProjectile in ShooterWeapon_Projectile is a server only RPC function used to spawn projectiles on the server that get replicated to the client.
ShooterWeapon_Instant has code for doing client side effects of an instant hit ray trace that is verified on the server using the ServerNotifyHit related functions. It also replicates the FInstantHitInfo struct to other clients. Those two classes are pretty much the core behavior for server authoritative gameplay. The project also has code for multipler maps/loading/etc as does the Unreal Tournament code.