Animation Blueprint is altering a variable

In my Player class i have variable “isAttacking”. I had a problem with entering a state in Anim BP, so i’ve checked the variable value with Print String and…

In Player class i’ve put [Event Tick] >>> [Print String (isAttacking)] . Result: true, true, true ,true… - correct.

Then i’ve checked it the same way in player’s animation blueprint: [Event Blueprint Update Animation] >>> [Print String (Player.isAttacking)] . Result: true, false, true, false, true, false… - wrong. It’s exactly the same variable under the same conditions, yet it’s setting it to false over and over again.

Player reference is set in Event Blueprint Initialize Animation and it’s ok. Off course there are local AnimBP variables which are getting values from Player variables, but i wanted to check if AnimBP reads this variable from Player reference correctly. Seems like it’s not, and i don’t know why. Maybe i misunderstand how Animation Blueprints reads variables from references?

I can see that this question was asked a long time ago but this issue actually still persists. Bump!

Bump… Still exists in 4.26. Is this intended behavior or a bug? Seems like it alters it back to the default value on Event Blueprint Update Animation and updates it to the correct value by the time it gets to event tick.