With Mobile lighting, there are considerations that have to be made quality wise that you don’t get with SM5 viewmode and desktop PCs.
With regards to static lighting.
Lightmap quality issues on mobile use low quality lightmaps rather than high quality. This can lead to more artifacts with the shadowing and compression.
High quality lightmaps have lighting brightness put in the alpha channel that has much higher quality than that the lower quality ones that put that brightness in the RGB and then compressed as DXT1. When you switch between SM5 view and Android Preview it switches the type of lightmaps used as well.
You can try using uncompressed lightmaps (world settings), but this will significantly increase the memory usage. It’s an option, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
You can try using lower lightmap quality settings which can help to blur the lightmaps so that it’s not as noticeable, or use World Settings > Lightmass > Indirect Lighting Smoothness to help with “blurring” as well.
Lastly, from an artistic standpoint, if you use higher frequency textures for your material over just base looking colors you can mask some of these artifacts as well.