When my player travel from Menu_Map to Level1_map the bot is unable to read navmesh and hence AI to move bot to target point isn’t working.
Case 1: UE Editor
When I run this in editor, its working fine. Here is the link of bot following Character without any problem.
Video Link:POC Twinstick Shooter Multiplayer Part 01 - YouTube
Case 2 (PROBLEM CASE): Android (Default Map: Menu_Map)
Refer to this video. When I travel from Menu_Map to Level_Map the bot don’t move at all (State of Bot-> Combat). Even in idle state, GetRandomPointInNavigableRadius node is returning false result (refer img attached).
Video Link (refer part 1 in video): Android Build Bot AI - YouTube
Case 3: Android (Default Map: Level1_map)
In this case everything is working fine. Even when I move to another level and move back to this map, everything works fine.
Video Link (refer part 2 in video): Android Build Bot AI - YouTube
I have been stuck with this bug for more than a week now and couldn’t find any solution. I have tried changing packaging setting as well in which I have included my Level_1 in "List of Maps to include in a Packaging Build " but no luck.
Here is behaviour Tree screenshot. I am just trying to execute simple command “move to”. In editor its working however fails to execute in Android Build.
Need help. Thanks.