Android is Displaying wrong colors , reflections and Lighting

Hi Everyone , Im trying to do a small archviz project on android , i have recently ported my phone , but the colors in the editor and whats being displayed on the mobile are incorrect and the lighting also seems to behave weirdly , when when i increase the roughness of a material , it is also going full black , Im also previewing in Android Vulkan Version in UE5 , i have tried to copy everything to a new level and check but that doesnt seem to be working as well , Im using a samsung galaxy M12

For lighting , there is BP Lightstudio and Skylight with HDRI , all materials are simple color materials made in Unreal itself

Android Display - (Wrong)

PC Editor Display -

Android Renderers do not support all the features that are available on PC. Check the different Forward Shading/Deferred Shading configurations and try to enable mobile GPU Scene and Local Lights support. Maybe try these settings:

For more information look here:

Also keep in mind that the Android Vulkan preview on a PC is not very accurate, because a lot here depends on the Vulkan drivers that your Android mobile device supports.

Hi there @BeyondBB,

Hope you’re well!

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Thanks and happy developing! :slight_smile: