Always have to recompile my C++ project

Hello everyone,

Following my recent question about unreal crashing when using static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder, I’ve discovered a new issue with all my C++ projects.

As a beginner in Unreal Engine, I’ve started learning from the dev community and documentation site.
Right now I’m doing C++ Programming Tutorial and done the following tutorial so far (using UE5.1.1 on Windows10 without source control):

  • Game-Controllerd Cameras
  • Components and Collision
  • Programming Quick Start
  • Player-Controlled Cameras

Except the Components and Collision tutorial, I didn’t have any issue while doing the tutorial.
However I found out that everytime I open those C++ project, all my classes doesn’t appear in the content browser and class instances that I put in the level disappeared.
I always have to compile (using Live Coding) for my classes to reappear in the content browser (instances in my level doesn’t reappear though).

For all my classes that I’ve added code to the constructor (CreateDefaultSuboject<>), in the message log, I have the following message for each object I’ve created:

CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource…

Could you please tell me what’s happening?
I’ve done some research and found similar unresolved post:

Seams it still happen with Unreal 5.1.1

I really thank you in advance for your help

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Hi ludokun,

LiveCoding sometimes does that. shut down Unreal and your project, load it from Visual Studio and build it from there, then run it - that often fixes things.


Thank you very much for your reply.
Closing Unreal, open the visual studio solution, build and run (Local Windows Debugger) did the trick.
Thank you very much for your help.
I understand now why in the “C++ for blueprinters” tutorial, the author was always restarting Unreal Engine after editing C++ class.

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That solved this issue also for me with UE 5.5. I didn’t experience that issue before.

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