I’m trying to build lights in my level to see how shiny surfaces will look with them, but every time I try to build them, all of them turn dark and stop glowing. I get the green checkmark “Lighting build completed” pop up, but then error log shows up with error “X object has wrapping UVs” 3 times for 3 different meshes, the thing is:
- These meshes were made using brushes in UE5’s editor, which should not cause problems from their nature of being made inside the engine.
- The light disappears from all meshes on the map, even those who work fine in every other level
I’ve tried looking up the error, but the only solution I found were either Lumen related, which I’m not using.
I should also add, that all meshes except the brush-created ones disappear upon building starting and only reappear after the map is reloaded.
EDIT: I followed this tutorial, changed lightmap resolution to 64 and coordinate index to 1, this made the errors not show up, but the lights are still very much broken
EDIT2: I replaced lights contained in actor BPs with lights from the “Quickly add to the project” tab and those do bake, except they will randomly ignore some props.
Here the light properly lights the corridor, except for the door on the left which is completely unlit, despite being an identical copy of 2 other doors.