AI Pawn wont move in NavMeshVolume

ANY help is appreciated !!!
I have an AI tank that i want to move with AIMoveTo function. It does nothing at all, and returns request failed.

Maybe someone understands what i do wrong when i show all my properties of navigation settings.

So here are all my properties

  1. Of the AI Tank’s movementComponent

  1. Of the ProjectSettings->NavigationMesh

  1. Of the ProjectSettings->NavigationSystem

  1. of the navmeshBoundsVolume

5)Of the recastNavmesh

I’ve been stuck on this for ages and cant proceed with my project. ANY help is appreciated !!!

Did you set the AutoPossessAI correctly ( on the pawn )?

Yes, i have non-moving AI’s which are possessed the same way aswell, which work correctly. Thanks for replying.

Okay it was a dumb solution, but it works now. I made the NavMesh a lot bigger, and then back to its previous size, and now it works… .Life of a programmer.