AI Not moving

My AI Character is not moving anywhere, not with BT “Move To Node” nor with simple Simple Move to Location/Actor.

  • Yes, there is a NavMesh Bounds volume in level. I’m building the mesh at runtime (I have changed the setting in Navigation Mesh → Runtime and I am calling the Build() function), but I also tried with a static nav mesh in a map with no geometry and it still won’t work.
  • The character is being possessed by the controller that runs the behaviour tree.
  • The character movement component is set up as default so it should be able to move. \
  • I tried changing the cell and tile sizes and agent settings to many values in Navigation Mesh Project Settings.

The AI Debug shows the path that the character should take, and it changes when the target location changes (inside the BT).
I ran out of ideas and read every other question on the matter. I don’t really need to use the nav mesh but I don’t want to have to implement my own AI movement logic just because of a bug.

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That covers everything i wouldve known to check other than collisions and whethet the pawn is constrained to a plane or any axes.

Fixed it!
BeginPlay implementation was empty in my AI Controller C++ class. Removed the function and now it works. Apparently something important does happen at some point in the BeginPlay hierarchy but there were no errors other than an occasional ensure fail.

Yep, I guess there were not many options. But in the end it was my fault :’(

Glad to hear it!

Had a similar problem and had to include the Super::BeginPlay() / Super::OnPossess() calls within my C++ Methods

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