AI Acceptance Radius and Stairs/Vertical Distance

Hello, I’ve set up a Behavior Tree MoveTo node with an “Acceptable Radius” of 1000cm.

This works fine on flat ground, and it also works fine if my AI character and my Player character are on different, unconnected platforms. In both these cases, the AI moves towards the player until it’s within the Acceptable Radius, presumably completing that MoveTo node. It then moves onto the next node, which is a shooting behavior. The problem is that this doesn’t work in a similar way on a continuous flight of stairs.

From what I can tell visually, if I place my PlayerCharacter at the top of some stairs, and my AICharacter at the bottom of the stairs, the AICharacter moves towards the player, but it doesn’t observe the “Acceptable Radius” and stop until the top of the AICharacter’s collision capsule is level with the bottom of my Player’s collision capsule.

Like I say, this issue doesn’t happen if the AI and the Player are on different levels that aren’t connected via some stairs, and I’m guessing that the difference in this scenario is that the AI MoveTo node “completes” when it realises that there isn’t a path that can take it to the player. Even so, I don’t understand why the Acceptable Radius isn’t observed when the AI is going up some stairs.