After installing Epic Launcher, RC does not start

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I want to use RC 1.4
After first installing Epic launcher and downloading reality capture through it, I can not start it: when I press launch button, nothing happens. Shortcut created on desktop does nothing.
What I did, is entered epic/games/RealityCapture folder and ran the RealityCapture-1.4.0.msi manually. It installed the software. Is that a normal workaround or normal behavior at all?

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install Epic launcher
  2. Install Reality Capture 1.4
  3. Press launch

Expected Result

Reality Capture app must start

Observed Result

Reality Capture app did not start


Windows 11

Hi @Serob_b,
regarding this issue please check these posts: Launcher issue with RealityCapture, RealityCapture 1.4 is now available.