Advanced Sessions Plugin

Hey, i have a problem with rejoining game from time to ime in few of my games, and would like to know if is it my mistake, stema api problem or maybe something else.

From time to time, the player that left a multiplayer game cant join any server (same or different). Sometimes also, the player who hosted server cant host it again. To fix that, player has to restart the game.

-we are using steam for server (only listen server)
-We couldnt find any 100% repro, its like random(it took us 40min to reproduce it last time)
-Im using destroy session and end session when leaving server and also in mainmenu beginplay map

Is it possible for you to add some debugs or let me know where should be the best place to add some debug info when nodes like “FindSessionsAdvanced” failes? It would be best to get some info why it failed if possible. I tried to look into your code but couldnt find good place for logs like that

There is no place for logs like that, the subsystem is where anything related to why it failed would be relevant and AS doesn’t directly touch the subsystem back ends.

Just wanted to say huge thank you for this awesome plugin!

Good day.

Am i get it right, there is no pre-match lobbies support (without any travels before all players are ready and “start game” was clicked)? Things i didn’t found after initial overview:

  • I see no exposed delegates for “lobby metadata was updated”, to know when to request new values on clients;
  • I’ve found how to start listen server on host, but i see no ways to join from the client after “start session” was called;
  • no ways to set\get per member metadata;
  • no support for inlobby chat.

As i can see, all of those are present on steam’s side: Steam Matchmaking & Lobbies (Steamworks Documentation) , but i not found support of this features not in oss, commonuser\commonsessions, not in this plugin.

I really hope i’m mission something simple, but so far it looks like no-travel pre-match lobbies are not a thing on ue at all.

I had the same issue. Try destroying session after you receive NetworkError event in Game Instance.

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None of my make literal property nodes work they all output nulls. Is there something that I needed to configure for this to work properly? I realize that the picture is of all string types but in my attempts I have tried all of the different variable types with no success. Any help is very much appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Replied on github, but that struct uses FVariantData which is not blueprint compatible (so its not exposed to blueprints). The blueprint debugger doesn’t see anything because of that, but the data still exists.

Using source build 5.2.1 I can not get my project to open up with it i have download Advanced Sessions Plugin 5.2.1 from this form.

Placed it in myproject/plugins

but im just getting the errors on the screenshot

when it says rebuild i just get FWTFDev could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.

when i build it through VS i get the errors in the screen shot.

Any Help

Thanks Joanne

You totally sure you got the correct plugin version? The GetTypeHash having no arguments was a change from back in Oct 2022.

Advanced Sessions Binaries – VR Expansion Plugin (

On downloading it did say 5.2.0 not 5.2.1 ?

I replace the zip file with new versions as new engine versions come out, the actual zip you downloaded should say .2.1.

Regardless that change came in before 5.2 even released and should be in all versions. So on another note, are you sure you are on the correct engine version then?

You also should really be getting the github version on a source copy of the engine as the binaries are not going to work anyway and the github branch is always more up to date.

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Just want to say thank you for the long time support of the plugin. This helps me from rewriting a lot of code and bp integration as well as steam session stuff. Hugs from my side :grinning:

Hello dear developers. On Windows and Android this plugin works correctly, but on Mac and iOS there is a problem. On Mac create a host, after that I try to join this host. When I try to connect to the host, host name correctly print but I don’t connect to that host. There is no host created on iOS.(I use AdvancedSessions Plugin without Steam).

on 5.2.1 find steam sessions are broken in shipping build. no matter what workaround i’ve tried off the internet, nothing works. the result is always 0. i believe the advanced sessions plugin is at fault as well as the built in functions, because i tried advanced sessions with an alternative steamOSS when the default OSS didnt work, that cost me $200CAD(steamcore Pro), but advanced sessions didnt work and then i was able to find sessions with their custom functions, but i had other issues that i couldnt work around. so i reverted back. now im still stuck with being unable to find sessions, but atleast the rest of my code works.

Its not advanced sessions, AS just exposes the engine api here and if the default nodes aren’t working for you either its a config issue. Those third party steam plugins don’t use the config in engine or require the steam subsystem.

Im not quite sure how to solve this but I have found that if I turn off advanced sessions and steam sessions I can run my game but when I do run my game with advanced sessions and steam sessions this is the error through vs

Im running unreal engine 5.3 with the equivalent advanced sessions

  • completely rebuilt both the engine and game
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFB26DACF19 (KernelBase.dll) in TikiGalore.exe: 0xC06D007E: Module not found (parameters: 0x00000090AD17B010).
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFB26DACF19 (KernelBase.dll) in TikiGalore.exe: 0xC06D007E: Module not found (parameters: 0x00000090AD17B010).

Update: I turned off Advanced steam sessions and it worked. Still not sure why steam sessions would cause this error.

Update your copy of advanced sessions, I had to rip the steam subsystem reference out of it in 5.3 recently because the steam subsystem isn’t loading correctly.

I am using advanced steam sessions with 5.3.1 and it works fine in the editor and with the development build. But if I package with shipping, then it does not work. I can see it because the steam pop up does not appear. Anyone has some idea how to fix it?

You need to place the steam_appid.txt file in the exe directory in shipping, the engine automatically creates it for you in development builds but not in shipping. You can actually see (and copy it) while running a development build in the folder.

Thank you, it worked. In case someone is reading this later. I opened a development build, while it was running I searched for steam_app. I found the txt file inside Binaries/Win64 , then I copied that file inside my shipping build in the same folder. The file just has the appid inside so, I guess you can skip that and just create a file called like that with that number inside.

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