Advanced Sessions Plugin

Guess I need to take a look at the subsystem. Hope there are some tutorials for customizing the subsystem and registering the server. Thanks for your help.

Hi, I’ve been struggling now for 3 days to create a shipping version of a UE 5.2 project using the Steam Advanced Session plugin.

It crashes with the following error when I run the .exe file:

LowLevelFatalError [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Internationalization\ICUInternationalization.cpp] [Line: 156] 
ICU data directory was not discovered:

I’m pretty sure this is caused by the plugin, cause I was able to run the ThirdPersonTemplate without the plugin as a shipped version without any issues.
Then I tried to just add the plugin, not even using it at all, and when I run the exe I got the error above.

Looks like the error is mentionning an hardcoded path, cause I don’t even have a D: drive.

I hope someone could help me/us ?

Thank you all.

After upgrading to 5.2 the filters in FindSessionsAdvanced no longer seems to work (through EOS). I’m now having to do a FilterResults on the output. Is there something I’m missing here?

Filters are passed in to the subsystem to handle if sent in the Find Sessions function.

EOS just must not be working with that anymore.

The filter session results does it post returning, which is unfortunate as it returns a bunch of extra sessions that then must be filtered.

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A bit of follow up to this - The FilterResults work-around only works in non-packaged builds. It appears that the UpdateSession extra settings are not updated in shipping builds. It does correctly update the other properties like public connections. (Again, this was working in packaged builds not too long ago)

Hopefully, these are just some temporary hiccups in EOS.

Hello,I notice that when I try to run “End Session” function,there will be not callback running,and when I try to run "Create Session Advanced " again,it failed because the named session dosent removed.Please check it if possible!

Has anyone had this error before using 5.2.1? all i did was added the advanced Friends interface inside the advanced friends game instance.

If so did you manged to fix it?

Cannot override ‘AdvancedFriendsInterface::OnSessionInviteReceived’ at which was declared in a parent with a different signature
Cannot order parameters LocalPlayerNum in function OnSessionInviteReceived.
Cannot override ‘AdvancedFriendsInterface::OnPlayerLoginStatusChanged’ at which was declared in a parent with a different signature
Cannot order parameters PlayerNum in function OnPlayerLoginStatusChanged.
Found more than one function with the same name OnSessionInviteAccepted; second occurance at Event OnSessionInviteAccepted
Cannot override ‘AdvancedFriendsInterface::OnSessionInviteAccepted’ at Event OnSessionInviteAccepted which was declared in a parent with a different signature
Cannot order parameters LocalPlayerNum in function OnSessionInviteAccepted.

You need to run DestroySession, that is Epics node for shutting down both server and client session instances.

Its a bit unfortunately named but it has been so since the first day UE4 came out.

It already has that interface in the Advanced Friends Game Instance, its the only reason for that game instance to exist so that BP users can have a class with that interface already in it.

Hey! Just a quick question…

When creating a new session, there is an option for “Should Advertise” which is a boolean.
But later on, I cannot seem to update this using the “Update Session” node… is that something that is possible? Basically, I want to have the session start with only friends being invitable, and then allow the server to advertise to find more players

Sure i’ll add it to the repo today and next time a binary compile comes out it would be in that as well.

Is there a way to raise an event when the overlay is enabled? Per steam, they want the game to pause when the steam overlay is enabled. I can’t add a “Is overlay enabled” check to the tick as it seems to have a huge cost and tanks the frame rate.

Yeah there is, i’ll look at it

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In 5.1 and up of the Advanced Sessions Repo it will have this now.

A subsystem lets me expand it going forward easily.

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You rock, much thanks!

Hey, can you share it how you enabled the Voice chat? This post is too huge to find something usefull, I am stuck with " couldn’tconnect voice"

Amazing thanks!

In defaultengine.ini



Is all that is needed

Default Game.ini then has

[/Script/Engine.GameSession] bRequiresPushToTalk=true

to turn on push to talk or not. The plugin isn’t required at all for voice, but StopNetworkedVoice and StartNetworkedVoice can be used for PTT. There are also console commands that do the same thing though.

No need for “DefaultPlatformService=Null”?

I really need to turn on push to talk? I cant set it to false to have the voice open all the time? (bRequiresPushToTalk=false)

Do i need to register the players manually to start the voice with StarNetworkedVoice?

Ty for your time!

If push to talk is set to false it will always be on, and start and stop networked voice is not needed.

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