Advanced Sessions Plugin

I posted in this thread August '22 and got this working, on Unreal 4.27.2. However, testing months later I cannot host a game successfully. If I run the editor with -game the Steam overlay works and I can host a game, giving me the option to invite friends. In a packaged game, the Steam overlay works but when I host a game the game immediately starts seemingly without starting up the server, and I can’t invite.

edit: I used “listDLLs” to see what DLLs are running in the version of my game that’s broken vs the a working version (can host a game). The ‘broken’ version is not running these DLLs

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamclient64.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\tier0_s64.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\vstdlib_s64.dl

So as you can see, the implementation uses the steam_api from the game dir, but the other 3 dlls from the Steam dir. Also, I’m using steamworks155 but steamworks151 is also being loaded, so I’m gonna make sure all those binaries are included too

edit2: Yuppp, it works. Make sure to include the steamworks 1.51 redistributables, ladies and gents

In your “Find Sessions Advanced” node, you specified “Results” at 0

Hi, I am having an issue with Advanced Steam Sessions in UE5.1.1. The Find Advanced Steam Sessions is not succeeding or failing despite the fact that I am able to create sessions.

Here is my code:

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I would wait until this upload goes live later today though, I re-factored the functions to use that newer Enum Break for Execution pins that Epic added, it makes things way more intuitive to use and cleaner.


What do you mean by “include” the steamworks?


Did you know if a fix is possible or we are stuck and unable to have a game to work on steam unless epic fix it?


AFAIK and last tested steam is working

Thanks for the answer.

What is the last steam? Do I have to update it? Works for every unreal engine where steam don’t works right now?


hi, have some problem with 5.1.1, I already have a functional complete multiplayer developed in 4.27(poject only blueprints).

Open a copy in 5.0.3, in editor work, then try to build, plugin error:
Copy Advanced session plugin in project folder {project folder}/Plugins
Add new C++ class, open in Visual studio and build project
Open project in Editor, now can built project, and work perfectly

Open a copy 5.1.1 work in editor
Steps from 5.0.3 here only can build/package project, but cant create session/host, dont wok (

I re-factored the functions to use that newer Enum Break for Execution pins that Epic added, it makes things way more intuitive to use and cleaner..


Someone asked where I put the steam dll’s, this should be helpful for people:

Make sure the steam_api64.dll and steam_api64.lib are in all these directories, the 32 and 64 bit versions for each:

Make sure they are in engine:

C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.27\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Steamworks\Steamv155\Win64

C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.27\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Steamworks\Steamv151\Win64

And in the packaged game:



“WindowsNoEditor” is the base dir for my packaged game so the structure looks like this
2023-02-17 22_26_10-Win64

Would love to see a version that works with UE5.2.0 Preview One

The 5.1 version works fine with it, I won’t upload binaries for preview releases.

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Hi folks I am building on Mac, for IOS platform, using unreal engine 5.1.1, and I have run into an issue while I am doing initial phase of getting advanced sessions setup for iOS, I setup blueprints to login to epic games, this works when I play in stand alone game, however when I package my game for iOS. nothing happens, with the stand alone game my web browser is launched and directs me to login to epic games, im thinking that while on my iOS device it doesn’t know to launch the browser, any idea how I can do this, or maybe I can use the unreal engine browser to go into epic games site to login ? here is my current blue print im using that logs into epic games when I click a button on a widget. It seems when I press the login button as stated in the blueprints, on my iOS phone it logs me into my apple Game Center account instead of routing me to epic games via launching my mobile web browser and promoting me to go through the login flow.

Hi, First off Just want to say thanks for the plugin, Really helpful.

I am making a lobby that is basically a screen with 3 widgets slots, a center slot with the local player and two slots on the side the slots will show the other players they are playing with.

I want it to be so the player doesn’t have to travel to a map to get updated info.
Only traveling when the ‘Session leader’ chooses to search / launch a game with server travel.

Right now my player joins the session but I don’t know how I must get the other players in the session.
Another thing that I would like is to use my chat system without having to travel.
But that basically uses the game state and player states to chat through the server.

Master branch is still compatible with 5.2, there will be no lock-5.1 branch as the two did not have changes between them.

Prebuilt binaries will be packaged and available tomorrow.

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Hey @mordentral can you please guide me on how to set up these plugins for Mac on UE 4.27. I’m using these plugins in blueprint, at the start it prompts an missing module warning and when I try to build it, it fails and prompts to build from source manually. Now here’s the main issue I don’t have a solution file to begin with.

If you can please guide me on how to fix it.

You would have to compile them in xcode, I don’t possess a Mac to precompile binaries with.

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Sorry if someone asked the same question, but this post is too long to finish reading all of them.

I recently tried to deploy a dedicated server in my Linux cloud server. The server runs fine and the client can join by using the command “open ip:port”. And I was trying to set up the build in voice chat, but I find out it can only work with the session system.

So I try to use the advanced session plugin. I use the create an advanced session in the menu level blueprint. And check the dedicated server box. In the server log, it looks fine and the session create successfully. In this case, I can join by using the “open ip:port” but I cannot use the find session advanced node to find any sessions.

So my question is: Is it possible to use the find session advanced node to find the server in the Linux cloud server without using Steam or EOS?

Here is the code in menu level blueprint:

Here is the find session button logic:

And here is the server log. You can see that, it executed the print node and jump from the menu map to the third-person template map and start listening.

Thanks for your help.

You would need a different subsystem to connect to some master server or list and provide the lobby data.

The default NULL subsystem only searches lan. Directly opening a connection to the server works because you are hard coding the IP address, without a subsystem that registers that server there is no way to know the address.