Advanced Sessions Plugin

you wont see it connect to steam in a shipping build (only development build) if you are using the 480 app id… For shipping builds you need to actually upload them to your steamworks page after setting your unique steam app id (assuming you have one) and install the game via steam - then it will work as a shipping build where you can test it will work via steam subsystem. But if you are just testing by double clicking the .exe then you will need to package a development build. Hope that helps clarify things :slight_smile:

i dont know if this will help you, but I had a similar problem. For me I thought I was using destroy session, but I found there were ways to leave the game that didn’t have destroy session implemented to it. For clarity, what I’m saying is check that you are destroying the session after any possible way for the player to leave the game (pause menu and quit game / ends game and clicks to return to main menu…)

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Hello everyone,

I have a problem, when I shipped my game, only 3 people out of 5 were able to create and join sessions, they were able to play together without problem.
For me and another friend, impossible, we cannot create there, cannot join there. We are connected to Steam, but nothing works. I tried to remove the Steam Socket and it got worse. We stopped firewalls and others, same no results. I created my game on Unreal Engine 5. Based on blueprint, I use a Steam listening server, with port 27015. In development mode everything works for the 5 of us, but not in the shipping version. I’m lost, I don’t understand how this could be possible…

did you find an answer for this? I’m having an issue where I can send a friend an invite to the session with ‘send session invite to friend’ but nothing happens when accepting the invite, I’m wondering if ‘allow join via presence friends only’ needs to be checked - but at the same time doesn’t that mean ‘allow join via presence’ needs to be unchecked? will that break the logic for allowing people to browse and join the server? - any help is appreciated!

Do you have region locking or are you on the test app id which has it by default? It seperates players into buckets based on their steam download region.

Ah, I’m not sure about region locking or how to know if I am… What I can say is that the game is being tested on Steam as a shipping build using my own steam app ID. (downloaded and installed via Steam)

And what about the ping returning 9999… does anyone have a solution for that?

Over steam you won’t get a valid ping unless you enable Steam Authentication, which for a game you intend to release on steam you really should be doing.

See the Steam Online Authentication section

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okay @mordentral I will take that on board, I have added the necessary code to my defaultengine.ini file, do you happen to know how I might implement the ping calculation now? At the moment my code is this:

Steam authentication pulls it during the auth process, it should auto fill.

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Okay great, I was just about to go down a steam sockets rabbit hole, but I guess ill disable that plugin now - thanks!

Well to update the ping situation, the Steam Sockets plugin calculated ping automatically. But despite showing joinable players and their ping, it broke session joining, I assume because it is using a different subsystem than the one set up by the advanced sessions plugin… So, back to square one.

I said to use the steam authentication, not sockets. And no it still uses steam subststem and advanced sessions doesn’t care which subsystem is active, its just calling functions on whatever the active subsystem is.

I see… I used both sockets and authentication, but I couldn’t join sessions so I removed sockets and the ping went back to 9999. I still couldn’t join a session so I removed authentication too. Then I could join sessions again. Maybe there’s another step required other than adding the code in the engine.ini file?

Hi all, I was looking to see if anyone had a similar issue, but haven’t seen a response in the thread for it. Using UE 5.3.2, I’ve done everything I normally do in other version when I set up the use of this plugin, project is a hybrid blueprint/c++, the plugin is in the engine plugins directory. Anytime the plugin is activated and the engine restarted it crashes. If I use the plugin directly in the project folder I can package a build, but it crashes on launch.
This was the crash error from the engine:

Fatal error!

Unhandled Exception: 0xc06d007e

0x00007ff96f62cf19 KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction
0x0000023dc059f974 UnrealEditor-AdvancedSteamSessions.dll!__delayLoadHelper2() [D:\a_work\1\s\src\vctools\delayimp\delayhlp.cpp:312]
0x0000023dc059e708 UnrealEditor-AdvancedSteamSessions.dll!_tailMerge_steam_api64_dll()
0x0000023dc05949cc UnrealEditor-AdvancedSteamSessions.dll!USteamNotificationsSubsystem::USteamNotificationsSubsystem() [D:\Documents\Unreal Projects\VRExpPluginExp\Plugins\AdvancedSessions\AdvancedSteamSessions\Source\AdvancedSteamSessions\Classes\SteamNotificationsSubsystem.h:35]
0x00007ff8e623d412 UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff8e625d163 UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff8e658e9d9 UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff8e656b410 UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff8e641abc5 UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff8e0f49163 UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff8e0f7584b UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff916de87ee UnrealEditor-Projects.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff916e056c3 UnrealEditor-Projects.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff916de801a UnrealEditor-Projects.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff6667e2463 UnrealEditor.exe!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff6667e634f UnrealEditor.exe!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff6667dcfb6 UnrealEditor.exe!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff6667dd37a UnrealEditor.exe!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff6667e0854 UnrealEditor.exe!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff6667f6984 UnrealEditor.exe!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff6667f9d7a UnrealEditor.exe!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9707e7344 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction

Enable the steam subsystem and make sure you are on the latest AS version

oh jeebus, what a rookie mistake, steam subsystem not enabled, can’t believe it… Thanks for that!

Its easier to have that issue in 5.3 because it used to auto enable since steam sessions required it. But in 5.3 epic broke something with the steam subsystem and it was crashing consistently even if I didn’t use anything from it when it was referenced, so I had to rip the references out.

Hi !
Using AdvancedSessions and AdvancedSessionsSteam in UE 5.3.

Currently developing Menus with CommonUI.
Everything works fine when I am not connected to Steam, but when I am, I cannot use the Gamepad.

Is there a way to fix this ?


EDIT : Not related to Advanced Sessions Plugin.
Sorry about that.

EDIT2 : Works in Shipping Build, not in Dev Build

How are we supposed to do error handling using this plugin?

Say I have the code below and it fails, and prints that I already have a session on-going. Sure, I can read that in the logs but how can I know that from the blueprint? What if I want to display an error message that says more than “joining failed”?