I am getting this warning in the logs:
LogGarbage: Warning: GC detected illegal reference to PIE object from content [possibly via [todo]]:
LogGarbage: Warning: PIE object: World /Game/Maps/UEDPIE_0_MainMenu.MainMenu
LogGarbage: Warning: NON-PIE object: UnrealEdEngine /Engine/Transient.UnrealEdEngine_0
What could the reason for this be? As far as i know, UnrealEdEngine is a header file at location:
I tried recreating the MainMenu map, but it seems like there is some other problem here. Also the problem seems to lie at UnrealEdEngine with its illegal reference to PIE object(MainMenu).
Exams are finally over and i have some breathing room.
Steps to reproduce;
- Create a new first person shooter project
- Go to project settings->Garbage Collection and disable “Allow Parallel GC”
- Play the Game for a few secs from PIE
- Check output log for warnings
There are these lines;
LogGarbage: Warning: GC detected illegal reference to PIE object from content [possibly via [todo]]:
LogGarbage: Warning: PIE object: World /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/UEDPIE_0_FirstPersonExampleMap.FirstPersonExampleMap
LogGarbage: Warning: NON-PIE object: UnrealEdEngine /Engine/Transient.UnrealEdEngine_0
Note: Seemingly causes no problems, and may be a low priority bug(?) report.
Very interesting. I enabled “Allow Parallel GC” in GC settings inside Project Settings. I disabled it previously to test out the game in different situations. Now that i changed back, i no longer receive the warning.
I am not sure if this something important, but Epic may want to take a look at it. I will reply in a few days on how to reproduce this.
I am busy with exams right now, i will certainly put some response here soon.
I added reproduction steps.