Hello, can someone explain why the declared property in the C++ actor class is not displayed in the Details Panel of the inherited blueprint? This problem only occurs in the case of ActorComponents.
I know that components can be initialized in the C++ constructor via CreateDefaultSubobject and be passed through properties to inheriting blueprints. However, I would like to create, change the position of components in the world and (most importantly) change the hierarchy of components completely in the editor, passing to the C++ only links to these components. The main problem here is that if you change the hierarchy of components in the C++, then there is a high chance of corrupting the inheriting blueprint and losing the parameters of the components.
I also found a way to pass links to the C++ through the blueprint constructor via a property setter, but for this you need to create a couple of extra nodes each time. I still want to be able to use the drop down menu from the second screen for components.