đź”´ Activator VS Runners DMZ | 1984-3435-0112

Hi everyone, after spending more than 500 hours in 2 months learning UEFN and Verse to remake the gamemode I loved when I was a kid, I can finally show you what I’ve done!

It’s pretty simple actually, the map is an oldschool deathrun :
A random player gets pick as activator and he has to kill all runners by using custom traps that are activated through buttons)

For those who didn’t know about the mod :

And here’s one round of gameplay on the island :

With its 3000 lines of custom Verse code, the map features :

  • Custom toggleable bunnyhop system (takes speed and camera angle as parameters, detects teleports, uses round persistent user preference for toggling)
  • Alternate endings (Sniper, Balloon, Jump, Arena, Old)
  • Generic 1vX verse code for easily creating custom 1vX gamemodes (w/ custom queue system)
  • Buyable additional lives (with HUD that conditionally appears on death)
  • Checkpoints (that give score/gold and save position for a potential revive)
  • Custom afk killing system
  • Freerun mode (an oldschool deathrun thing)
  • No activator mode (a parkour mode where no activator is picked for when there’s not enough players)
  • Shop using different currencies and a refund system (that can trigger conditionnally)
  • Easter eggs and hidden quest to find them
  • Random drops on death
  • Custom weapons (only one that skips a trap gracefully atm)
  • Custom end game (w/ random music playing when winning/loosing)
  • Custom team balancing (random picking at the start of round, cannot pick same person twice)
  • Custom Overlay HUD (runner count)
  • Score to gold conversion
  • Dynamic gold/score multiplier (based on number of players on the map)
  • Auto instigated kills (for when runners die)
  • Weapon granting history (for reapplying on revive)
  • Some custom music / SFXs / VFXs
  • Other things I forgot? :joy:

Learned a lot while making this map, I just published it so it has no players on it yet but hope it does fine so I can reuse the code to make other maps or collaborate with other people.

Thanks for reading me and I’d be glad to share some of my knowledge if anyone is interested!


I love the idea of this game.
I jumped in the game, but there was no one there to try it out.

I was wondering how you implemented “random picking at the start of round, cannot pick same person twice”
I published a 1vs8 game and implemented a custom round system so I could have persistent data between rounds. Also to make sure 1 person doesn’t get picked twice.
I have a feeling there is a less complex way to do this though.

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Thx for trying out the map, I’m scared that it will stay at zero without even being played properly once, I’m full of anger right now…

For your question, if you already have a custom round system that works, I’d suggest keeping it since I had to do many things to fix bugs that occurs between rounds such as gravity not being set properly/hud overlaying on nintendo switch/weapons not being reset/devices not working/ lags at the start of each round/ and many more I forgot. Also the players have to wait 30s to enter the next round which can make them leave I guess.

But if you really wanna know, my way is not clean either, I use items that persists along with some precise island settings and conditionnal button + conditionnal button that consumes the item. More info here : Ways to bypass lack of Persistance - #2 by Fenzy

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I feel you. It is hard to get a player base that returns and stays at your map for lets say 15min at least. You could try promote your map at fortnitecreativehq and dropnite.

Creating the round system was cumbersome. I had to fix a lot of bugs in production that did not came up in development testing. I do not recommend anyone to take this approach. Better wait until epic games implements the save device in creative 2.0

I’m gonna check your post if it can help me out.

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I love the idea and how it plays out! Shame is, as @Tim1qaz point out, unless you can make lots of players enter at once, the game risks dying out pretty quickly due to how discovery seems to work due to low retention.

Could you add a way that, in case you are alone, sets you as a “regular player” and activates the traps automaticaly?

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Sure I could work something out but it’s not meant to be and it will just make the game weird, I tried to add an only up map for when there is a low player count, but it was just weird…

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