Action RPG Inventory System

Open up the Inventory Player Controller and look for the function “ServerLoadPlayerItems” inside here you will find the LocalStartingClass variable you want to do the follow changes.

Thank you for your help. That worked just fine! I see that it works because by default the local starting class is set to warrior.

I also have an unrelated question relating to adding items into the game.
I have followed the Youtube tutorial for adding equip-able/ interact-able items but when I get to the point where i drag the item blueprint into the game it has no collision and cannot be picked up. However, when I choose to have the player start with the weapon already in the inventory, I can equip it and it changed my stats and everything, that part is working great. I can even drop the item into the environment, but at this point it has not collision and cannot be picked up again. Any suggestions to help me would be awesome! Thanks

Update, I was able to enable collision in the mesh defaults inside the BP. However I still cannot pick up any of my custom items. When I look at them they do not get highlighted and offer for me to grab them.

Are you creating child’s of the world item for your items? there are two types world item actors and the weapon actors.

Yes, they inherit from World Actor. I simply duplicate an existing item eg. Bone Sword and rename it and select to correct mesh. It is definitely inheriting form World Actor and has the usable actor interface as “inherited” still not able to be picked up.

Are there some updates since 4.17? I’ve noticed a few issues since upgrading to 4.18.3, but not sure about the culprit yet.

what kind of issues? I’ve been using it on 4.18.2 just fine.

Make sure you mesh as collision that’s the only thing i can think of sorry.

Wanted to see if there were any changes in 4.19.1 verison but I can’t create a project, it get stuck at 45%. Anyone else experienced this?

So what bugged me some time was the line trace which often required several clicks to obtain loot. After changing the line trace angle (starting from character chest now), the issue is gone.

Works here, try again, might be due to high server traffic on Epic’s site?

Problem solved! The reason it didn’t work was simply my firewall messing things up. Problem was with all 4.19 projects and it’s now been fixed for me! :slight_smile:

When I open container and try to pick up items, I can get all items except 2 last (by right click) plus I can drug and drop these last 2 items from container to the inventory with no problem, 4.19
Someone with this issue and any ideas how to solve?

Well I must say I really appreciate this work… especially for a noob. I am looking for the blueprint that holds the controls… ie E to interact. I have some other things I need to add, and one of them is also attached to E, I put what I needed into the Inventory Player Character, under Event Graph. but that was completely empty, until I added my stuff. I would like to keep these blueprints together in the same place. Thanks in advance for all help.

Is there an easy way to add 2-handers. Like if you have a 2-handed weapon equiped, your offhand shield/weapon is unequipped? Also, have one handed weapons the possibility to be in both main hand and offhand?

Hey guys - anyone know how to parent the mesh (which is inherited from a C++ class) to a camera? Using a different mesh and animation blueprint than creator and it gives me wonky results without the camera being parented I think.

I would suggest that you create a SpringArm and attach that to your inherited mesh in the components browser. Then you can simply either just make that SpringArm your Cameras parent or use AttachToComponent node (Target is Camera, Parent is SpringArm) in blueprint to move your camera to the spring arm attached on the mesh.

I’m not sure what happened but now I’m getting an error from the EquipmentInventoryComponent. I haven’t changed anything related to it but now it’s accessing none from a variable. Here is the error.

Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property MainHandWeaponReference from function: 'UpdateMainHandWeapon' from node: AttachToComponent in graph: UpdateMainHandWeapon in object: EquipmentInventoryComponent with description: Accessed None trying to read property MainHandWeaponReference

Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: It only seems to happen when I load into the level from my MainMenu & Character Creation Menu. But if I just load up the example map it doesn’t seem to do it.

I do have my own custom GameModes for MainMenu and CharacterCreator which in turn has it’s own player controller, could that have something to do with it?

Hi guys, i’ve merged the system into my project and everything works fine eccept i cannot pickup anything from the ground. Focus works correctly and i can loot from a container and equip items once they are in my inventory. The “E” input works fine. What should i do?? It’s been 2 days of scratching my head and i can’t seem to find a solution.

Still need a hand with it, I ve tried to debug it but no result. I think it may be something within UI itself but while I’m checking whats wrong I will apreciate any tips from you guys. This issue so frastruating because logs dont say anything, its just my mouse stop register its clicks on to the last 2 items or smth like that. Eh.

Update: I ve found that this bug is related to a Scrollbar. When Scrollbar within a Scrollbox is active we dont have this issue, however when your Scrollbar is not active or “Allow right click drag scrolling” option is disabled we wont be able to get items thru mouse click event.

Any sugestions please?


Sorry if this has been addressed before but I haven’t had any luck with searching. I’ve added a pane for managing NPC inventory. Modelled very closely on the existing functionality it works great right up until the window is hidden. Once it’s re-opened it builds the slots again but doesn’t display the icon. I’ve checked that the inventory is loaded and that the icon is being set (printing out the display name as it’s iterating through to set in the images below), bound and unbound inventoryitem.icon and tried sigh so many things. Anyone have any idea what’s going wrong?