Action RPG Inventory System

I recommend you watch some tutorials on blueprints before hand.

I have watched tutorials on blueprints and have been able to create a working flashlight with batteries, a stamina system and more.

The problem Iā€™m having (I believe) has to do with the lack of player controller in the starter project.

Youā€™re looking for this:

Every character possessed by a player has a controller. In fact, the controller represents the player in the game so itā€™s always live if youā€™re currently in a level.

Thank you for that. I just confirmed that there is no playercontroller in the bp third person starter project. So in this case I have parented the inventory character. If I delete the character and press play will this solve the issue, since the inventory system runs off of the spawn?

Looking at modding this to give different items different sizes in the inventory (mainly so weapons etc are bigger icons). I figured Iā€™d do this by adding 2 byte variables for Slot X and Y dimensions in the item data structure.

I know the size box for the Inventory_Slot is 66x66 and Iā€™m assuming I can turn the size box into a variable and then when the slot is updated with an item it sets the x and y size to whatever the new item is? So standard items are 1x1 (66x66), a rifle is 2x3 (132x198). Iā€™m not really looking to do the grid system like Diablo, but will be adding weight etc to items to limit inventory size (and outline that an item taking up 2x3 would remove 6 slots from the inventory).

Just want to know if Iā€™m right with my above assumption before I start messing with everything haha?


Adding weight isnā€™t to hard i built my own inventory with weight in mind, adding item sizes is a lot harder because the slots use a gird so they all need to be the same size, adding a larger one will create holes in your inventory layout, there is no UMG grid that supports different size slots with proper alignment, i started building a new inventory based around this idea but i got side tracked and never did finish it, the idea is to build logic to handle the dependencyā€™s as you can see in the image the red outlined slots are dependency slots.

Hi guys how i can ceck if i equip rifle i can shoot ?

Ah! I thought I could use the normal grid, rather than the uniform. I think that is too much work for me haha!

Give it ago i say just back up your project as you be hacking things up :).

Hi ! It seems to be an excellent system but I have a few questions if you donā€™t mind.
I already have my UI template which doesnā€™t look at all like your defaut UI, and I want to know if itā€™s possible to modify your UI while keeping all the system you made (equip/drop etc.) ?
In my template I have the possibility to sort item by ā€œSlotā€ like Helmet, Torso etc. Do you think it can be possible to create this system upon your own without running into conflicts ?

Also I already have a project and I have read that it doesnā€™t really work out of the box. You have a video on how to migrate it in a project, but I fear it might be a bit outdated. Is this process still necessary ?

Thanks !

Hi! Thanks for an amazing toolkit. Iā€™ve learned a lot from reading through the blueprints, especially with how UI works in Unreal since I havenā€™t worked a lot with that before.

I have one question though, for MainHand and OffHand. From what I understand the socket you create is attached to a bone, but the rig and character I have created does not have a pawn bone (easily fixed of course, not too many animations I have to reimport and fix yet). Iā€™ve added the socket to the middle finger instead, but the weapon is outside of the hand. Even if I move the socket to to his pawn, the weapon is still added to his middle finger outside of his hand.

Is it possible to actually spawn the weapon equipped at the location Iā€™ve put the socket in (relative location), rather than the original location the socket is created at?

Still having line trace issues, often have to click 2-3 times before items are picked up. Anyone else experiencing this or a better approach? (Using 4.16 version)

I have the same issue, not sure if itā€™s a problem in UE4 right now since a lot of UE games have this.

Hey guys. Can anyone tell me the best\easiest way to implement weapon firing with the ARPG system? Not really sure how Iā€™d set it up. Like I know how to set up animations and all that, and I already have a ballistics system, Iā€™m just not sure how Iā€™d get the weapon to actually fire.

Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™m really struggling to get this to work on my project. I saw the merge videos but Iā€™m still getting ā€œInventory Fullā€ errors when I want to pick something up. I read someone had the same error but it was of no help. Can someone tell me if they see something wrong on my world actor bp please ?

Iā€™m using UE4 4.16

EDIT : Action RPG Inventory System - #1552 by NodrawNT - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums

ā€œBetterā€ depends on the gametype. If you create a third person game you can switch from active linetrace from controller/char to passive triggerboxes/spheres at your UsableActors. ā€œOnComponentBeginOverlapā€->Register-this-item-to-some-ā€œnear-item-listā€-at-controller-or-character. List is handy as you would get those Begin/End events only once (if you pick up two apples you can switch after the first pickup to the second as active one). You would loose some accuracy but get some easier and quicker pickups as it is simpler to run near an item instead to run near and aim for it. If you create something with first-person or would hide some secret items in the grass linetrace is ok. You could even combine both.

After i Cast to my player controler then recreate the inventory manager there is no option to create a player inventory component if i could be pointed in the right direction for this it would be great
thank you

I decided to scrap the Player controler i had and just use the one that comes with the Inventory System and i am ok until around 28 min on the set up guide where u first launch into the game i am getting this error in image and also i am unable to target or pick up any items

Ok, So the only way i could get this to work half ā– ā– ā–  is to reference my third person char to the inventory character then ref the inventory character to the equipment character with it still buggy as heck, The tutorial on the Youtube is all but useless and the Creators do not reply back to the support email or private pmā€™s (Maybe on Vacation?) who knows. I do not recommend if your beginner or intermediate to buy this because I had others look at it that were just as confused as i am. So after breaking 2 projects and 2 days of trying to get this to work correctly i could have done same stuff with 2 weeks total working with UE4 and did not need to pay money to break my stuff I am perfectly capable of doing it for free and by my self. If any one is interested in Buying it I would not Recommend it untill They update the Tutorials and start answering the support emails.


Iā€™m not really understanding what it is you want to do, can you explain more in detail about what you want to accomplish?