Action RPG Inventory System

Yes ! i’m using latest version , but version 4.13 of the engine , because of my main project .

Actually it doesnt go out of screen . i have 2 monitors , it only goes out of the screen from the side i extended my main monitor , not from the other 3 sides. and this is in the editor , i havent tested a built game yet.

Are there specific render settings required for the focus colors to work?

Hi, I’m trying to modify the inventory a little. I want the inventory to be empty (no slots) when there’s no item in it, and when I add a new item the system automatically adds a new slot for that item - when equipping/consuming/destroying the item I want it to remove that slot again so that there’s never an empty space in the inventory… Can someone with a greater knowledge of blueprint please help?

I converted the uniform grid slot to a grid slot instead, and the adding of new slots and items works, but when I try to remove the item/slot again it doesn’t remove the right one or removes to many slots - it seems that there’s maybe an array somewhere that doesn’t update or something else…

I would be most grateful for any help :slight_smile: Thanks


Removing them will get messy because the inventory size sets the slots amount on the UI, i would recommend just collapsing them so there not visible.

I made a 4.17 from scratch. However for some reason when I click a window and slighly (1 pixel?) move it to a side, like drag it, for some reason it moves alot, alot alot to the top or another location… When I release the window it goes back to its position. Anyone with this? Kinda happens with all windows


Ill take a guess and believe that the issue (change of engine version?) seems to be here (see attachment)… Changing from **Pivot **“Center Center” to “Mouse Down” seems to solve the issue…

Dam those engine updates :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you - I’ll try it out :slight_smile:

Hello again, just a quick question - How do I go about adding a second icon type to my items, for example a larger one for the tooltip info? I have tried adding another column to the ItemList datatable (Texture2D) in Excel, but I can’t seem to figure out how to get it into the tooltip… Thanks! :slight_smile:

Btw. Thanks OverRated_AU, your suggestion worked like a charm and was a lot easier to implement :wink:

Hi, The best way of doing this is just by passing the normal icon used for the slot to the tooltip, just create your icons larger to support the scale of the icon size you wish to use on your tooltop, from memory i use 128x128 and the slot size is 64x64 .

Hi, OverRated_AU, thanks for the suggestion but I need to set a different image for the tooltip :wink: I’ll try fiddling with it some more :slight_smile:

If thats the case then add a new 2d texture variable to the inventory item and tooltip structure and connect the pins up in the inventory manager and UMG.

to version 2.0 new windows for skills?

On the slim chance that someone might have encountered this problem, I’ll post it here.

In a fresh version of the ARPGIS in 4.17, this error does not occur.

In trying to upgrade our existing project to 4.17, I’ve encountered a consistent editor crash when trying to compile the Inventory Manager Component. While my IMC is heavily extended, I have not touched the bp other than to make slight changes to keep it up to date with the Marketplace version in months. I have not had any errors with the component up to this point.

The crash reporter indicates an Access Violation, which I have read tends to mean an attempt to access a null ptr.

VS debugs the break point to here in UObjectBase.cpp (the bold line):

bool UObjectBase::IsValidLowLevelFast(bool bRecursive /*= true*/) const
    // As DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT is defined to 0 now, I changed that to the original numerical value here
    const int32 AlignmentCheck = MIN_ALIGNMENT - 1;

    // Check 'this' pointer before trying to access any of the Object's members
    if ((this == nullptr) || (UPTRINT)this < 0x100)
        UE_LOG(LogUObjectBase, Error, TEXT("\'this\' pointer is invalid."));
        return false;
    if ((UPTRINT)this & AlignmentCheck)
        UE_LOG(LogUObjectBase, Error, TEXT("\'this\' pointer is misaligned."));
        return false;
**if (*(void**)this == nullptr)**
        UE_LOG(LogUObjectBase, Error, TEXT("Virtual functions table is invalid."));
        return false;

My suspicion is that the error is due entirely to an Engine change.

If anyone has any suggestion about how I might further isolate the error in the blueprint, any insight into the nature of the error, or might know of a similar problem that I might research, I would very much appreciate the help. :slight_smile:

Edit: Finally tacked down a post that obliquely referenced the problem:

Disabling the new Compilation Manager fixed the problem. :slight_smile:

Hello. Does anyone have some ideas about how to make this work with 3D widgets (VR project).
Everything works fine except of course the drag system because it create non 3D icon widget.

This may be a bug introduced by 4.17.1.

I’ve made two fresh projects, one in 4.16.3 and one in 4.17.1. In 4.16.3, right clicking on an item in the inventory widget will use that item. This does not work in 4.17.1. Right clicking has no apparent effect.

Can anyone confirm this?

Is there possibly some new engine setting that I have overlooked?

Hello again, just got back to work some more on this. Don’t I need to add a new column to the ItemList (datatable) for the new variables to become active/accessible? Thanks a lot for your help :slight_smile:

DataTables extend off a Structure so you want to be adding the variable to the Structure used for the inventory item list which is the inventory item Structure.

I have the same problem…Its driving me mad. Do you find a fix for this yet? My version of the inventory system is too modified at this point and I can’t deal with any fix that comes for 4.17.1. I’m trying to fix it myself, but nothing so far…

Here you go, i had a spare 5 minutes so i bugged fixed this issue for you guys, the issue is just the slots seeing the right click as a unhanded event so it cancels its self out.

Works like a charm. You have my eternal gratitude! :smiley:

Good morning all,

im just starting out with ue4, and purchased this inventory system for a game I am creating by using the third person blueprint starter project.

I am unable to get this to work. I watched the merge video, however the third person blueprint project does not have a player controller that I can find in the content browser. If I ignore all of the merge instructions for having one the inventory still does not work.

i have worked with this problem for about 6 hours now and can not come up with the solution. Is this not compatible with the third person starter project? I am at a loss on what to do to make this work.

(edit: I am using ue4.17)