Action RPG Inventory System

If you want to do this your better off skipping them all together, Yours would be EquipmentSlots rather than what mine uses there.

Hi party people,

I have recently come across a whole slew of errors in my project related to “InventoryManagerComponent” not being able to access or read the “Inventory Layout” widget reference. These runtime errors prevent me from opening the inventory or equipment at all during gameplay, the whole system doesn’t work until I can fix this.

I have done my homework on this issue before posting. I read all about “REINST” issues, editing Blueprints inside of child widgets, and circular referencing. I still cannot find out exactly what my freakin issue is.

The only (child) UI widget I have customized at all is the “Inventory” widget blue print. My small addition can bee seen in the picture below.

The only customization I have made to “InventoryManagerComponent” is in two functions: “Equip Item” and “Unequip Item”. I did this to test what specific type of weapon I have equipped to trigger a different attack animation sequence based on type of weapon the player is using IE slashes for sword, punching for no weapon. I will post a picture of that below too.

I believe the error might be in one of these two BP’s from my research and error message log…
HOWEVER, before you say, “just delete those customization’s to your BP’s to fix your errors.” I already tried deleting those edits and its still error ridden.
It has to be a reference variable issue. I tried replacing and re-initializing the “Inventory Layout” widget reference inside “InventoryManagerComponent” and vice versa but I still get errors. WHAT THE HECK? Any pointers appreciated (:

Here’s the error log:

Hi guys! I bought the Pack from Marketplace and I’m struggling to find where is the logic to render the tooltip, the creation of widget is on InventorySlot but even if I try to add to child to a another Widget’s Panel, it renders on mouse location.

Thank you very much!

If you remove the toggle functions the REINST oddity will be resolved. Just place those buttons somewhere else, for instance on the hotbar widget.

It’s part of the drag and drop functions, see offsets.

Ty for trying to help! I just can’t find the drag and drop function that really makes this, you can specify in what widget bp is it? I tried to find on ToolTip and Inventory_Slot


“If you remove the toggle functions the REINST oddity will be resolved. Just place those buttons somewhere else, for instance on the hotbar widget.”

In my original post I had stated that I had already tried removing that blueprint chunk, recompiling and saving, and the error log is exactly the same. The inventory system still does not come up when pressed in game.
To be sure of your suggestion I have tried removing any nodes whatsoever in the graph of all the UI widgets that I had added, and the runtime errors still persist.

I’m still leaning towards this being caused from my “Inventory Layout” reference variable in the inventory manager component. Every single line of error stems to a node that comes AFTER the use of that reference variable.

Because the error is still present. Try this. Remove the InventoryLayout from the player HUD, readd it. If the error still there, look into the Equipment widget and hover over the InventorySlots, if they still show a REINST error message, remove the slots and readd them, but first try to just readd the InventoryLayout, after readding rename it to the old name Layout.

Sorry, I misunderstood you, and it is not entirely clear what you want to do.

Okay so this may have got me one step closer to finding out exactly where the problem is. I tried removing the Inventory Layout from **player HUD and re adding it, sadly nothing changed. Then I tried removing Inventory **from Inventory Layout and while that is deleted and I press play, all the errors are cleared, but obviously I cannot use the inventory still. Does this mean the source of my issues are the Inventory UI widget? It seems something is not allowing my inventory manager component to access data from the Inventory Widget using the UI reference.

One more interesting thing, I went to the locations of all the nodes that had errors, and put an IsValid before calling the Ui references and it eliminates my runtime errors, but all these IsValid nodes are reporting they are Is Not Valid (failing to access) when I print string them. Also inventory nor equipment comes up when I press the open inventory or equipment in game.

So close to fixing this but so far away at the same time!

What should I be looking for to fix at this point? Thanks for sticking with me unit23 !!!

Does the Equipment widget InventorySlots look like this (see image below), or is there a notice about a REINST error?

It looks fine to me as of right now.

Here’s an updated look at what is happening at the moment in the inventory manager component where the errors were pointing too.

In game when I press the key to open the inventory

When you hover over inventory slots of your equipment widget, the** text just reads Inventory Slot**?

Confirmed, they read"[Inventory Slot]"

Any one got any ideas for this question ?

Pretty sure that was fixed what version are you using and did you pay for it?

Your issue isn’t to do with a REINST bug its to do with what you have changed.

Hi, I’ve not really played around much in 3D programs. I’ve just learnt the basics in Blender. Can someone please explain to me how to create an item for the EU4 Mannequin? It works with weapon, rings and offhand but not with anything else.

To test I just created a box. But it just disappear when you try to equip it? I really don’t understand how you should build the skeleton for the hat. Or do I need to export the SK Mannequin skeleton to Blender and use? If someone could write a small guide / tutorial that’d be great! :slight_smile:

Edit: Created my own character using my own skeleton and got it to work! :slight_smile:

Yeah its obviously something I have done to mess everything up and I am trying to hunt down where it is that I have messed something up to remove it and fix these “Accessed None” reference errors.

Depending on the time you’ve spent tweaking it you mite be better off starting fresh? to me it looks like your broken the InitializePlayer for the inventory in your player controller.

Got one thing to work (Creating items) by importing my own character and skeleton to set the created items to. Only problem I have now (which occured before I did this) is that Head items doesn’t show up at all when you equip them. Can’t seem to find anything wrong with the code, and I have not changed anything in the code that should change this.

Edit: Oh my god. My friend laughed at this issue and it turns out he changed the scale in PlayerCharacter for head items to 0.04. Spent hours to fix this issue, holy cow.