Action RPG Inventory System

If anyone has problems with icon inventory item icon display, see this related AnswerHub post

Hello everyone,
I have been using this system and all has been well until tonight. I was working on a combat system when bam, my game has a huge problem all of a sudden. When I press play to test out the game, my character is gone. I mean i think its there, but invisible and all items attached just group up in the middle of where the character should be. I can still move, jump and what not but the character and animations are missing all of a sudden. Any ideas on how to fix this? image attached.

This has to do with the character draw distance, from camera. I guess you are using 4.16, noticed this too when i zoom out.

The thing is I have not zoomed out, this is how far away my third person camera is. I was not editing draw distance settings at all either so I dont think this is the issue. Even when I switch to first person mode, I would be able to see the arm of the character when attacking, that doesnt happen and the camera is only inches away. Any other ideas?

Hey thanks for the addon!

Iā€™m trying to figure out how to change the modular equipment when using a new character skeleton. I understand how to do it for the weapons/rings, but I have no idea where to start with the armor pieces. Where can I edit the binding locations of the each armor piece?

Was wondering if someone knew the best way to implement a ā€œStashā€ container using this system. (I would like to use the existing move to container, move from container, etc. functions)

I currently setup one of the containers as a Stash (I populate the container with the players saved game Stash Inventory items) and it works great in single player.

However in multiplayerā€¦ I would like to setup this particular stash container not to replicate to other players (possibly setup a flag bool ā€œStashā€ variable for containers so it doesnā€™t replicate and cannot be shared between players)

Any suggestions on whatā€™s the best way to do this? Thanks

How did you get the tooltip to appear wherever the Cursor is? I am trying to get a r-click menu to appear and it always shows at the top left.


Hi, thanks for this awesome Inventory! I just bought it yesterday and Iā€™m totally amazed!
Since Iā€™m kinda ā€œconvertingā€ it to C++, Iā€™ve encountered a little problem, maybe you or someone else can help:

When I add an Item as Server, the Inventory UI gets updated instantly. When I try the same on the Client, the Clientā€™s Inventory is always one Item behind.
I pick up an Item on the Server. The Inventory shows the Item.
I pick up an Item on the Client. Nothing. I pick up another Item on the Client: I now see one Item in the Inventory.

Variables and components are replicated correctly last time I checked.
Does anyone have a clue?
Thanks for your time!

If you updating via the server you might have to use the refresh inventory slots function for the client.

Thanks for the quick answer!
Unfortunately, Iā€™m already doing that.
It does update the Clientā€™s Inventory, but only after the second Pickup, and then, itā€™s always one Item behind even though his Inventory shows the correct number on Server and Client. Really weird.

are you able to say what areas you have converted to c++ already? That might help an answer jump out if I know what areas are effected.

Could it be that I update the Client Inventory UI before the change has been replicated?

Tried updating the HUD with an OnRep_Function. The function fires but the Inventory still doesnā€™t update. Guess Iā€™ll try again tomorrow since itā€™s kinda late here.
Any more help is greatly appreciated, and a huge thanks for taking your time, even though Iā€™m doing C++!

I made a seperate thread for the problem, since itā€™s not 100% related to your blueprinted system and I donā€™t want to spam this thread. If anyone wants to help, you can check it out!

Essentially the most important things to add Stuff to the Inventory and show it.
I have recreated the InventoryManagerComponent and an InventoryComponent, this is what I recreated in the PlayerController:
The whole InitializePlayer() Function.

In the InventoryManagerComponent:

The Interface for PickupItems is also added and calls an AddToInventory() from the Server when I pick up stuff.
This is what I do in the **InventoryManagerComponent **when adding an Item:

I tried to recreate your function as good as possible. Now my actual AddToInventory() in the InventoryActorComponent is a little bit different since my Inventory does not have persistent Slots, but only creates the Slots when I have Items, and removes them when I have no Items. I donā€™t know if the error stems from there, but since it works fine on the Server and the Inventory gets replicated correctly, I donā€™t think itā€™s my Inventory.

Another (maybe interesting?) note:
After I call the Interface Function (from the Server), which outputs ā€œUsed Item: ItemNameā€, I output the Characterā€™s InventoryItemCount on the Screen (Locally).
This is what it looks like on the Server:
This is what it looks like on the Client:

Maybe itā€™s just because Replication takes longer than calling this Function locally, maybe itā€™s something else? Just adding this, in case anyone encountered something similar once.

Anyone else has issues with using containers, when a usable or intreractable actor (NPC), is close behind the opened container view? Sometimes it works, sometimes i have to click several times to move or select things when the container is in front of such actors. Any idea how to circumvent this problem, layering (zlayer), or disabling usable status?

On 4.17 i cant add more than 2 item into the inventory in the demo. Could you please fix up this kit that it works correctly with 4.17?

My project. More in inventory system changed, add, remove and fixed.
ARPGIS pack taught me: Donā€™t buy if you canā€™t think.
And, I acquired a lot of knowledge by changing this pack and bringing it to the state I needed.

Keeping in mind this is not officially announced to support 4.17, anywhere I have read yet. *4.17 being new and all.
I noted when you Create Project with this using version 4.17, the inventory panes do not move properly. As soon as you click one it centers the pane to your mouse location. I was also getting a ā€œ! Missing File Nameā€ warning in the error window that pops up when you exit play mode. As I moved folders it also put a red Mesh Missing or Item missing error on the screen. It happened moving the item folder from the Inventory System folder into the Content folder, and also when moving the Blueprints folder into the content folder. Both tested of fresh Projects. I must have made a dozen or more moving a folder, finding an error, deleting the project, starting again moving a different folder.

I also noted when looting it would take the first item or even a few, and then the click to loot functionality would be gone. You could manually drag and drop, but not click to loot.

Finally decided to just stick to 4.16 for now. Just mentioning it here so peeps can recreate, confirm, and of course fix.

Thanks for a wonderful starting point.

The InventoryManager function TryToAddItemToInventory, called when using a container item (right mouse click), contains the function GetEmptyInventorySpace, but if equippment slots are empty, this can result in adding the container item to the first empty equippment slot. Thus, Iā€™ve slightly modified GetEmptyInventorySpace, to account for the equippment slots. Maybe this is helpful for someone else. However, this means that equipment items are no longer directly equipped from containers.
(Notice above, itā€™s 13 not 14)

how to add this to MMORPG?

Why check extra slots if you can exclude them from checking?

Hello .
I just started with this asset and i have to say it is great .

Only problem i encountered was that i could drag widgets ( inventory , equipment,etc) out of the screen , and leave them there , which essentially will make them useless . is this intended ?