Access Is Denied

Ok so basically whatever I am trying to do I get this error : Access Is denied, first if I try to Generate Visual Studio project files It will appear

And each time I wanted to open my project I had to generate project files in order to make it work, otherwise I would keep getting these 2 errors
P.S : ProceduralGeneration is the name of my project :slight_smile:
And in order to fix this problem i had to generate project files.
But this didnt stop me to continue my progress on my project until when I had to package the project. So the first thing I would see that would make me understand it wont work is this ( the error 255 ):
Didn`t find nothing about it on the internet, tried installing all the windows sdk s but for nothing.
But If I would go forward and try to press on thee Package Project I would meet this error:
Nothing helped me from the internet :frowning:
and if I would go press continue I would see this in the console log ( again Access Is Denied)

I would really appreciate some help, I have to mention that I tried to use other u.e. version and I had the same error, and tried other projects, and still same error, all the easy stuff to do I have already done :frowning:

Try validating your unreal engine install from the epic launcher (then try “Refresh platform status”)
I’ve found that this fixes the problem 99% of the time (had this happen to me three times).

I also tried a fresh install of the windows SDK for safe measures.

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By validate you mean verify? Tried it but it didn`t do nothing, also yesterday I re-installed epic games and it worked once, but now when I wake up I see that I have the same error again… Also I have all the windows SDK s but for nothing

Yes I meant to say verify.

Are you logged in as administrator on your windows account? Perhaps try verifying the engine with elevated admin rights (right click & run Epic Games Launcher with admin rights)

I mean I think so, I only have 1 user on my windows account, maybe I could show you on a discord, it would be much easier

If it’s just 1 account then it has to have admin rights.
Though this doesn’t mean the program isn’t launched with lower rights.
Try this from your start menu search:
Then verifying.
Perhaps the launcher is missing some rights during the process.

ok I will try it and I will come with an update

Still didn`t work, still same errors when I try to Package Project :((((

When it works( I reinstaled Unreal Engine again) it looks like this :